any-jump.vim copied to clipboard
Jump to any definition and references π IDE madness without overhead π
β IDE madness without overhead for 40+ languages
Vim code inspection plugin for finding definitionsβ and references/usagesπ¬.
Any-jump can be used with any language, but definitions search only available for supported languages. This is not a problem in general, so use any-jump freely on any code project.
Based on syntax rules for 40 languages and fast regexp engines like ripgrep and ag.
On screen: jumping through source code of Discourse project
nvim 0.4+
orvim 8.2
ripgrep 11.0.0+
- some languages requires rg with PCRE2 support
via vim-plug:
Plug 'pechorin/any-jump.vim'
In normal or visual mode.
Just place you cursor on any variable/class/constant/name/symbol and press <leader>j
or execute :AnyJump
in normal mode.
You can also use visual mode to select proper keyword (
With :AnyJumpArg myKeyword
command you can manually write what you want to be searched for.
keyword definitions: find files where keyword defined
keyword references/usages: find files where keyword used and referenced
version 1.0 roadmap
- [ ] paths priorities for better search results
- [ ] [nvim] ability to jump through preview text (and another keyword)
- [ ] show latest N search keywords in popup to save jumping history
- [ ] ctags support
- [ ] basic refactoring support
Default global mappings for normal and visual modes:
" Normal mode: Jump to definition under cursor
nnoremap <leader>j :AnyJump<CR>
" Visual mode: jump to selected text in visual mode
xnoremap <leader>j :AnyJumpVisual<CR>
" Normal mode: open previous opened file (after jump)
nnoremap <leader>ab :AnyJumpBack<CR>
" Normal mode: open last closed search window again
nnoremap <leader>al :AnyJumpLastResults<CR>
Disabling default any-jump keybindings:
let g:any_jump_disable_default_keybindings = 1
Mappings for popup search window
o/<CR> open
s open in split
v open in vsplit
t open in new tab
p/<tab> preview
q/x exit
r references
b back to first result
T group by file
a load next N results
A load all results
L toggle results lists ui style
" Show line numbers in search rusults
let g:any_jump_list_numbers = 0
" Auto search references
let g:any_jump_references_enabled = 1
" Auto group results by filename
let g:any_jump_grouping_enabled = 0
" Amount of preview lines for each search result
let g:any_jump_preview_lines_count = 5
" Max search results, other results can be opened via [a]
let g:any_jump_max_search_results = 10
" Prefered search engine: rg or ag
let g:any_jump_search_prefered_engine = 'rg'
" Search results list styles:
" - 'filename_first'
" - 'filename_last'
let g:any_jump_results_ui_style = 'filename_first'
" Any-jump window size & position options
let g:any_jump_window_width_ratio = 0.6
let g:any_jump_window_height_ratio = 0.6
let g:any_jump_window_top_offset = 4
" Customize any-jump colors with extending default color scheme:
" let g:any_jump_colors = { "help": "Comment" }
" Or override all default colors
let g:any_jump_colors = {
\"plain_text": "Comment",
\"preview": "Comment",
\"preview_keyword": "Operator",
\"heading_text": "Function",
\"heading_keyword": "Identifier",
\"group_text": "Comment",
\"group_name": "Function",
\"more_button": "Operator",
\"more_explain": "Comment",
\"result_line_number": "Comment",
\"result_text": "Statement",
\"result_path": "String",
\"help": "Comment"
" Disable default any-jump keybindings (default: 0)
let g:any_jump_disable_default_keybindings = 1
" Remove comments line from search results (default: 1)
let g:any_jump_remove_comments_from_results = 1
" Custom ignore files
" default is: ['*.tmp', '*.temp']
let g:any_jump_ignored_files = ['*.tmp', '*.temp']
" Search references only for current file type
" (default: false, so will find keyword in all filetypes)
let g:any_jump_references_only_for_current_filetype = 0
" Disable search engine ignore vcs untracked files
" (default: false, search engine will ignore vcs untracked files)
let g:any_jump_disable_vcs_ignore = 0
Theme configuration
There are default theme configuration based on standard Vim highlight groups, you can override any setting:
let g:any_jump_colors = {
\"plain_text": "Comment",
\"preview": "Comment",
\"preview_keyword": "Operator",
\"heading_text": "Function",
\"heading_keyword": "Identifier",
\"group_text": "Comment",
\"group_name": "Function",
\"more_button": "Operator",
\"more_explain": "Comment",
\"result_line_number": "Comment",
\"result_text": "Statement",
\"result_path": "String",
\"help": "Comment"
Background settings
You can set non-theme background by set Pmenu hl group like this:
hi Pmenu guibg=#1b1b1b ctermbg=Black
Where are also PmenuSel
, PmenuSbar
, PmenuThumb
groups for configuring.
open definitions and references/usages list
preview definition with p
or tab
group results by file
search results with line numbers
vim 8.2 inside terminal
Supported languages
- ruby
- elixir
- crystal
- rust
- haskell
- java
- javascript
- typescript
- scala
- kotlin
- php
- protobuf
- scss
- fsharp
- c++
- coffeescript
- go
- lua
- nim
- scad
- elisp
- nix
- clojure
- coq
- systemverilog
- objc
- racket
- vhdl
- scheme
- r
- sql
- faust
- vala
- matlab
- python
- pascal
- tex
- swift
- shell
- perl
- csharp
- commonlisp
- ocaml
- erlang
- julia
- sml
- groovy
- dart
- fortran
Original idea
Comes from dumb-jump.el emacs package
Issues and contributions
Please open issue on any question / problem / feedback / idea.
Guaranteed contribution feedback: 3-5 days, but it's stable.
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