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Google Pub/Sub client for Elixir

Results 13 kane issues
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Currently there's a limit of about 100 topics when calling `Kane.Topic.all` function, as the pubsub API paginates the results. There are several ways of removing this 100 topic limit, but...

As mentioned in #39 , we currently don't have a way to list all topics when there are more than 100 of them. This PR takes a simple approach to...

Hello! In Cloud Pubsub we can specify for how long a message will be retained (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/reference/rest/v1/projects.subscriptions/create#request-body) We're using these changes on our production system and has been working pretty well....

On Elixir 1.12 it's emitting Supervision module warnings from Bypass. It can easiliy be fixed by upgrading Bypass, and everything keeps working alright.

Once we have a decent http/2 client library & protocol buffer support added, we should switch to gRPC.

I would like to be able to develop locally and have Kane use the GCP PubSub emulator (`gcloud beta emulators pubsub start`) endpoint. This seems like something I could set...

The project can now be specified on a topic or subscription, and Kane.Client calls now accept :account and :sub options that will be passed through to `Goth.Token.for_scope/2` when retrieving a...

Related to #15, it would be great if we could use a `{:system, "ENV_VAR"}` approach for loading the endpoint value at runtime. Would you be open to this enhancement? If...

https://hex.pm/packages/kane refers to release 1.0.0, which isn't tagged. It's unclear what the correct commit is for the 1.0.0 release.