@d2phap Thanks for reply. Could you please add a menu for open fold. It would more convenient to open fold explicitly. Sometimes It won't be a photo at root directory.
@d2phap Yes,It seems OK. FILESYSTEM(and the entire left side) tree should be togglable(show or not). May be add group display,When have sub directories in the right side. Thanks.
I used cgo in my program.It's build ok without cgo. ~~~~~~~~~~ package main // int fortytwo() // { // return 42; // } import "C" import ( "fmt" "os" ""...
1.rsrc -manifest gtool.exe.manifest -o rsrc.syso and here the manifest is ~~~~~~~~~~ True ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2.The source I paste above with below deleted is build and work fine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // int fortytwo() // { // return 42; // } import "C" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f...
3. The build dump ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F:\care\work\gtool>go build -v -x WORK=C:\Users\jack\AppData\Local\Temp\go-build814633394 mkdir -p $WORK\b044\ mkdir -p $WORK\b051\ cat >$WORK\b051\importcfg $WORK\b044\importcfg $WORK\b043\importcfg $WORK\b035\importcfg $WORK\b061\importcfg $WORK\b002\importcfg $WORK\b001\importcfg $WORK\b001\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
4. go version ~~~~~~~~~~~ :\care\work\gtool>go version go version go1.13.4 windows/386 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I'd like to, But sorry, I can't.The file contain customer info. I downgrade polars to 0.15.8, It read normally.
The file is contain about 10000 ( (shape: (10153, 669)) )lines with complex nested structs. I tried simpify the file,but failed, the error dispeared.
@ritchie46 This bug not fixed yet. When have have two items, got error: Could not create a new DataFrame from Series. The Series have different lengths. Got [shape: (2,) ```...