It may be a good idea to recommend, though not require, some possible methods for recording the pitch content / labels, such as that of Harte, et al ( or...
I think `reg` (regular, -ization) is a better choice than `normal`. This name describes its function the same way as `normal`, but isn't as confusing. MEI often uses NMTOKEN to...
Attributes also can't contain un-escaped ampersands. Quotes are sometimes problematic as well in that double quotes (`"`) can't occur when the attribute value is enclosed in double quotes, and single...
`` and `@reg` have the same function; i.e., to provide the regularized/normalized form of something, so either one can be used. Usually `` is paired with another element, such as...
In v. 3.x `@dur.ges` was a hodge-podge of many datatypes. In v. 4.0 `@dur.ges` is restricted to alternative values for `@dur`. That is, `@dur.ges` only allows the same datatypes as...
Do you mean that every occurrence of every element in the text (except for those in the markup examples, I assume) should be a link to the description in the...
``` If you use the standard definition of above and below, these positions remain constant whether the stem is above or below the notehead. ``` Exactly. The position of the...
Makes sense. But, how should Verovio / other processor deal with mixed stem direction AND relative number placement? For instance, a value of "head" or "tail" for case G? Should...
Sorry, missed that sentence. The exact mapping strategy doesn't matter as long as Verovio is consistent. Is this something that should be in 4.0 or can it wait 'til the...
`@tstamp2` can be used in combination with `@startid` for so-called "dangling ties" -- ``` ```