Yeah, this needs more thought _________________________________________ Perry Roland, MA, MLIS Metadata Operations Librarian University of Virginia Library 2450 Old Ivy Rd. Charlottesville, VA 22903 434-982-2702 (w) pdr4h (at) virginia (dot)...
The best thing I can come up with at the moment is to add another value, such as “afterFirst”, “followingFirst”, or “all” -- where “all” actually means “all the pages...
The best thing I can come up with at the moment is to add another value, such as “afterFirst”, “followingFirst”, or “all” -- where “all” actually means “all the pages...
The only other case for using an empty element to indicate something missing that I can think of now is the case where one source has something another doesn't. For...
I don't think there's a standard way in traditional notation of dealing with transposition / transposing instruments in music using non-traditional divisions of the octave. When Western notation is used...
Would allowing `@x` and `@y` on `` be sufficient? Or does it also need `@x2` and `@y2` in order to define its bounding box? Would `@ulx, @uly, @lrx, and @lry`...
Do the same requirements also apply to ``?
When you say "[i]t would be nice to have it", what "it" are you referring to -- `@style` or the x/y attributes? BTW, I think you're right -- your view...
As used up to this point, the `@x/@y/@x2/@y2` attribute set has been used to identify a start/end pair of coordinates. As a simple example, `` uses `x, y` to mark...
The "problem" is not as dire you imply -- - `@x/@y/@x2/@y2` is employed for lines and curves, not boxes (although there's some fudging going on with ``) - `@x/@y/@width/@height` is...