> "...integral part of any MEI style language ..." What sort of MEI-style language are you picturing? >> I leave this for @pe-ro to answer, but I think what was...
That would be fine as well.
@lpugin, it's not clear to me how this proposal breaks backward compatibility? Can you explain please?
@Irmlind, Could you be more specific please?
I made some changes, but I'm re-opening this issue to get more feedback from Irmlind.
Then I fixed it. (Yay!) I just removed any mention of the creation of the text. The description of `@resp` now reads -- ``` Indicates the agent(s) responsible for some...
Then I think we need additional attributes. Conveniently, TEI provides several -- - scribe - scribeRef - script - scriptRef - medium - scope See for fuller descriptions.
One approach is to use all the TEI attributes (perhaps also adding `@mediumref` to maintain the pattern). In this case, the attributes without "ref" in their name would take textual...
pinging @rettinghaus and @ahankinson for another review
I wouldn't delete them right away. Instead, I would document the fact that they're deprecated and when they're expected to be actually removed.