Jamie Isaacs
Jamie Isaacs
As an admin user, I should be able to view the order history for a coupon.
- [ ] Allow automated system to purge old attachments. - Attachments from abandoned anonymous sessions and abandoned anonymous carts - Attachments for user account may or may not be...
### On Product Page - [x] Allow User to upload multiple Attachments to a Product (if allowed by the Product or Tag) - [ ] Allow Anonymous to upload multiple...
### Gift Card purchase - Allow User to add a Gift Card to their shopping cart, and checkout. - A purchased Gift Card should be emailed with the redeemable code,...
### Cart & Checkout - [ ] Attachments should be visible on each Cart Item. - [ ] Allow User or Anonymous to upload multiple Attachments to a Cart Item...
Per the comment from Daniel in [DDDinPHP](https://groups.google.com/d/msg/dddinphp/fyEkqUA0Rxc/OXQbruGkAgAJ) > This is so bad, commands should be find-grained with business naming. > You don't create your products (unless your business is related...
We should be performing at least a basic level of fraud protection.