Continue migrating a few remaining algorithms from DLTK 3.3 into the new framework. Adjust dashboard searches and refactor notebooks a bit.
Create a simple process mining notebook to retrieve the process flow graph from a given log data source with the help of pm4py algorithm.
As a user I want to have a simple example for H2O runtime so I can send data, train a model and return predictions.
Test environment setup with AWS EKS and Splunk Cloud instance and document everything
Update single instance spark image for 3.0 and test with example algorithm on GPU
Create a simple process mining dashboard with input data and extracted graph visualisation based on existing OSS custom viz.
Update rapids image with the latest stable version of rapids and test on GPU instance.
Integrate the existing neural network designer prototype.
As a user I want to use prophet in a distributed way to leverage multiprocessing with DASK and return results to splunk HEC.