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flutter app sample

title: Flutter app sample

img: /images/flutter_logo.jpg summary: Flutter项目示例 categories: app sample top: true


Develop environment:

Name Version
flutter v3.0.0

Flutter app sample supports : " Android 、iOS 、Web 、MacOS"

中文文档 English document HomePage SolutionToTheProblem document
Click,go to the full sample android (apk) web (website) macOS (dmg) windows (exe)

If you like the design of flutter_app_sample, feel flutter_app_sample to help you, you can click "Star" in the upper right corner to support it! Thank you! ^ _ ^

Plugin/Package Pub Points Popularity Likes
airoute pub package pub points popularity likes
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Plugin/Package Pub Points Popularity Likes
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Login UserCenter BasicAnimation
Login BasicAnimation
:- :-
Anappable Animation Draw Animation
AnappableAnimation DrawAnimation
:- :-
Drag Tip Chart Picker SelectAddress DateRange
Drag Tip Chart Picker
:- :-


Login UserCenter Animation TipMessage Picker SelectAddress DateRange
Login UserCenter Animation TipMessage Picker
:- :-


iOS Android
Login Login
:- :-
iOS Android
animation animation
:- :-
iOS Android
anappable anappable
:- :-
iOS Android
drawing drawing
:- :-
iOS Android
tip tip
:- :-
iOS Android
picker picker
:- :-

Technology used

  1. MVP+DesignPattern
  2. Widget
  3. Net
  4. Route
  5. Animation
  6. Provider
  7. ......


  1. Continuous iterative project
  2. Continuous improvement of documentation
  3. ...

If you like the design of flutter_app_sample, feel flutter_app_sample to help you, you can click "Star" in the upper right corner to support it! Thank you! ^ _ ^


   Copyright 2019 pdliuw

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.