First of all a general question: In gammapy there are fermi catalogs available. Is the idea of gamma-cat to include every source which is known today, hence, fermi and hawc...
In principle I can do this but - as I am not familiar with lightcurves - I don't know which table on I should add as a lightcurve.
Well, in principle it is clear. But I don't know which information is necessary and which one is not. I think that it is easier if you add the lightcurves...
Ok, but as soon as I start to add any data problems may arise and then I will write you my questions in the corresponding PR :-) At some point...
@cdeil I will be going through the input folders and check whether the reference already have a folder/ info.yaml/ dummy yaml-file. Do you prefer big PRs with creation of e.g....
I need help with these two articles: There the black hole cygnus x-1 is mentioned and I don't find this source in the defined sources in gamma-cat. I...
Ok, I make here an overview about the articles I am not sure about and then we can discuss later on and close this issue as soon as EVERY article...
Overwiew about publications that need further discussion: 2006ApJ...641L...9A 2007ApJ...665L..51A 2007ApJ...669..862A 2007NIMPA.583..494A 2007ApJ...663..125A 2007ApJ...667..358A 2007ApJ...658..245A 2007ApJ...669.1143A 2008ApJ...679..428A 2008NIMPA.595..200D 2008ApJ...681..944A 2008PhLB..668..253M 2008Sci...322.1221A (I am not sure, is Crab pulsar equal to Crab...
I think, we have to find an easy and in particular reliable way to maintain the overview about all relevant papers/ data and which of them have been cross checked...
I think this issue is the same or nearly the same as issue #126, isn't it?