David Collins

Results 65 issues of David Collins

Child of #489 Implement support for automatically configuring and displaying attributions for OGC Web Map Service (WMS) layers that provide attribution metadata.

new feature

Migrate World Wind Java to a Gradle wrapper based build system. Gradle builds integrate fully with the IntelliJ IDE internal build system, eliminating the duplicity of separate IDE build and...


Enhance the Navigator component in WorldWind Android by adding altitude mode support. The Camera and LookAt primitives contain an altitudeMode property indicating the viewer's vertical datum. This property is designed...


Support the following Coordinate Reference Systems and projections when displaying data from external sources, such as WMS: Coordinate Reference Systems CRS:84 WGS84 geographic longitude, then latitude, expressed in decimal degrees...

new feature

Display of a rectangle in 3D and a rectangle draped on the terrain surface. From the COE requirements document: Square - Point with width and rotation - Line Thickness, Line...

new feature

Provide a configuration mechanism, drawing from WorldWindJava's Configuration class either completely or as inspiration for something more appropriate in the Android environment.

new feature

- [x] Investigate memory usage near poles (#118) - [ ] Investigate CPU and GPU usage near poles (#119) - [x] Camera near pole causes OutOfMemoryError (#116)


Determine which WorldWind components contribute significantly to CPU and GPU usage when the camera is near the North Pole or the South Pole. Limit this investigation to 1 day.


Provide an World Wind interface for determining only the terrain's geographic position at a screen point. This is intended as a high performance alternative to WorldWindow.pick to enable applications to...


Add a configurable placemark behavior that keeps important placemarks on top of everything else.
