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Vite plugin to transform SVGs into React components

Results 40 vite-plugin-svgr issues
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I was using the [svgr for webpack]( and it offered a feature where you could add `className` to the imported svg component to style it. For example: ```js import Svg...

Would it make sense adding an optional `alt` attribute to the ReactoComponent to support the accessibility? **client.d.ts** ``` const ReactComponent: React.FunctionComponent< React.ComponentProps & { title?: string, **alt?: string** } >;...

I have had a lot of issues since upgrading to 4.0.0. Some were solved by reverting the include pattern to what it was before ( One only turned up as...

## Issue with Upgrading `vite-plugin-svgr` from Version 3.3.0 to 4.2.0: SVG Import Errors ### Description of the Issue After updating `vite-plugin-svgr` from version 3.3.0 to 4.2.0, I am encountering an...

Can we omit the need to add `?react` at the end of every SVG import? ## Current situation ```jsx // works export default defineConfig({ plugins: [react(), svgr()], // no params...

Hi! Thanks for the plugin. It works fine, but with the new version I'm getting typing errors ``` svgr({ include: '**/*.svg' }), ``` ``` import Logo from './logo.svg'; ``` root...

Im working with an NX monorepo. new Vite app. the important part as follows ```typescript svgr({ svgrOptions: { ref: true, typescript: true, exportType: "named", }, esbuildOptions: { loader: "tsx", },...

40/5000 I'm having a problem. Your plug-in doesn't work after using it. I don't know what's wrong with the configuration. The browser returned the following error: > Uncaught DOMException: Failed...

Migrating from react-scripts to Vite I need the URL for the imported SVG file. But I cannot figure out how to expose the URL rather than the React component with...

How to dynamically introduce it after version 4.0?