vite-plugin-svgr icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vite-plugin-svgr copied to clipboard

svg ID collision

Open dhasdiel opened this issue 9 months ago • 2 comments

When using Vite plugin svgr to import multiple SVG files into a single component, I got a collision of the style because the ids how to handle this?

dhasdiel avatar Nov 05 '23 11:11 dhasdiel

This should be fixed after:

  • installing @svgr/plugin-svgo
  • enabling SVGO in plugins options:
      svgrOptions: {
        plugins: ['@svgr/plugin-svgo', '@svgr/plugin-jsx'],

However, when using single file multiple times, all components still use one single ID. This is known issue for inline svgs:


See: SVGR Docs > Options > SVGO

piotr-cz avatar Dec 06 '23 10:12 piotr-cz

My particular case may be fixed with

piotr-cz avatar Dec 06 '23 11:12 piotr-cz