icepdf copied to clipboard
Installation package
Installing and running ICEpdf "natively" would allow for easier distribution.
A suggestion would be InstallBuilder, which proposes a free full-featured license for open source projects.
Otherwise, I've managed to produce working msi and rpm files with the Gradle SetupBuilder plugin with this code sample (not fully configured, it was mainly for testing):
plugins {
id "de.inetsoftware.setupbuilder" version "4.8.7"
setupBuilder {
vendor = 'BGer'
application = "ICEpdf"
appIdentifier = "ICEpdf"
version = '6.4.0'
// icons in different sizes for different usage. you can also use a single *.ico or *.icns file
icons = ['32x32.png', '64x64.png']
// all files for all platforms
from( './target' ) {
include 'icepdf-rt-6.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar'
bundleJre = "/usr/java/jre1.8.0_45/"
mainClass = 'ch.bger.icepdf.ri.viewer.Launcher'
mainJar = 'icepdf-rt-6.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar'
desktopStarter {
displayName = "ICEpdf"
description = "ICEpdf service"
mainJar = 'icepdf-rt-6.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar'
mainClass = 'ch.bger.icepdf.ri.viewer.Launcher'
workDir = '.'
rpm {
architecture = "x86_64"