Philipp Moritz

Results 33 issues of Philipp Moritz

Anaconda can be preferable to the system Python: - it has MKL already integrated, which is often faster and also better at utilizing multiple cores - installing packages like scipy,...

Objects a and b that are retrieved by ray.get have two additional fields (ray_deallocator and ray_objectid), which means they cannot be compared for equality. The underlying issue is similar to...

If we try to run the shell command that the script prints at the end from one of the slave nodes, the following happens: ``` fatal error occured: Check...


If we do a deep copy of a Python object (like a numpy array) whose memory is backed by the object store, it might happen that the Destructor object (RayDealloc...


Previously FP8 static scaling works if the scales are overestimating the maxima of all activation tensors during computation. However this will not always be the case even if the scales...