fontawesome icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
fontawesome copied to clipboard

ease to use Font Awesome via RubyMotion


gems for easy to use Font Awesome iconic font via RubyMotion.

How to use

add require to Rakefile.

require 'rubygems'
require 'motion-fontawesome'

in your source code, specify text and font.

label = UILabel.alloc.initWithFrame([[0, 0],[200, 200]])
label.text = FontAwesome.icon(key)
label.font = FontAwesome.fontWithSize(200.0)

argument into FontAwesome.icon is string that trimed icon- from this list

e.g.)icon-camera -> camera


Font Awesome

The Font Awesome webfont, CSS, and LESS files are licensed under CC BY 3.0. A mention of Font Awesome - in human-readable source code is considered acceptable attribution (most common on the web). If human readable source code is not available to the end user, a mention in an 'About' or 'Credits' screen is considered acceptable (most common in desktop or mobile software).