rocket-footer-js icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
rocket-footer-js copied to clipboard

WordPress plugin to force all JS to the footer including inline scripts. Extends WP-Rocket

=== Plugin Name ===

Contributors: pcfreak30 Donate link: Tags: optimize, wp-rocket, footer javascript, lazy load, async js, async javascript, speed Requires at least: 4.2.0 Tested up to: 5.4 Stable tag: trunk License: GPLv2 or later License URI:

WordPress plugin to do a better job with your scripts and improve lazy loading. Depends on WP-Rocket

This is NOT an official addon to WP-Rocket!

== Description ==

This is NOT an official addon to WP-Rocket!

This plugin will do the following:

  • Process all inline and external JS to one file, not multiple, and put at the footer with async on
  • Put all localized scripts together before the primary script above
  • Automatically optimize popular 3rd party services including:
  • WP Rockets lazyload
  • Google Analytics
  • Double Click Google Analytics
  • Tracking
  • Pushcrew Tracking
  • Clicky Tracking
  • Facebook Pixel Tracking
  • MCAfee Secure
  • Sumo Ne
  • Pingdom Prum
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Mouse Flow
  • Cornerstone Page Builder
  • Automatically lazy load popular widgets if or are active. Services include:
  • Google Maps with Avada theme
  • All Facebook social widgets
  • All Twitter social widgets
  • All Google Plus social widgets
  • All Google Adsense advertisements
  • Google Re-captcha
  • Tumbler
  • Amazon Ads
  • Stumble Upon
  • WooCommerce Social Media Share Buttons plugin
  • Any iframe
  • Blog Her Ads
  • Video embeds (click to activate)
  • Pin Interest

If you are looking for a professional team to get your WordPress site to run faster, check us out for our speed optimization services at Rank Grow Digital

== Installation ==

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/rocket-footer-js directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Clear WP-Rocket cache and view HTML source!

== Changelog ==


  • Bug: Fix typo in HubSpotForms module and fix broken code
  • Bug: Handle edge case of HTML5 video not fully lazyloading due to jQuery not triggering on loadeddata event
  • Feature: Add a pseudo css API to allow any elements background image to be lazyloaded
  • Enhancement: Add filters around enqueuing auxiliary scripts & default to not load the imagefixes script so that modules can flag it on at runtime
  • Enhancement: Add micro-optimization by serving preminified versions of polyfills and lazysizes
  • Enhancement: Improve cache management by deleting cache files when the objects are purged to handle edge cases
  • Enhancement: Add support for purging cache via cron, using rocket_footer_js_background_cache_purge_item_threshold filter, and preload cache if enabled after
  • Enhancement: Videos Module: Only set src/data-src if this is a video. If video is autoplay before we process it, skip it
  • Enhancement: Videos Module: Add vimeo support
  • Compatibility: Videos Module: Add videojs compatibility
  • Compatibility: Add visual composer compatibility to lazy load background images
  • Compatibility: Add custom event polyfill
  • Compatibility: Add compatibility with wp-rocket's lazyload


  • Enhancement: Skip processing background image if it is flagged for no lazy load
  • Enhancement: Centralize multibyte encoding for entities into the DOMDocument class so that style tags do not get processed


  • Bug: For elementor module, if in admin, functions should still run
  • Bug: Encode both scripts and styles in DOM processing due to further edge cases found
  • Enhancement: Add a3 lazy load excludes as a consideration for determining if lazy load is on
  • Enhancement: Defer init checks for Elementor modules so that lazy load excludes can be processed
  • Enhancement: Add support for wp-rocket file excludes
  • Enhancement: For elementor module, add an option for a video thumbnail to have a custom alt attribute
  • Enhancement: For video lazyload, add support for custom alt attribute, and fall back to oembed title
  • Enhancement: Ensure wp-rocket preload only runs on cron by conditionally deferring it
  • Integration: Add lazyload compatibility for WP Ultimate Post Grid


  • Bug: Add more compatibility fixes with a3 lazy load
  • Bug: Fix bugs with jQuery compatibility of lazySizes
  • Bug: Don't try and do processing during JSON/API requests
  • Bug/Enhancement: Misc fixes and improvements to the video lazyload
  • Bug: Remove the preload functionality from lazySizes
  • Feature: Integrate WebPExpress support to allow WebP to work with other integrations/modules and to enable a separate cache for webp when supported
  • Feature: Enable lazyload to be managed per element inside the Elementor Editor
  • Compatibility: Add compatibility css for elementor in the video lazyload
  • Compatibility: Add more Fusion logo options to be processed by CDN
  • Compatibility: Prevent divi from concatenating JS
  • Integration: Add compatibility with smart slider for lazy load
  • Integration: Add compatibility with EWWW to prevent image processing from running on LazyLoaded Video thumbnails due to the excessive processing time
  • Integration: Add compatibility With Essential Addons for Elementor
  • Integration: Ignore hubspot forms in JS rewrite module and add LazyLoad Compatibility with HubSpot
  • Integration: Add lazyload compatibility with Fusion portfolio elements
  • Integration: Add lazyload compatibility with Fusion's lazySizes
  • Integration: Add compatibility with Rank Math SEO
  • Enhancement: Add hooks to allow the minify cache key to be modified
  • Enhancement: Ensure picturefill JS script is loaded if CSS plugin is not active
  • Enhancement: Improve rendering of lazyloaded elements with lazySizes
  • Enhancement: Enable the video thumbnail to be a responsive image based on all image sizes registered, and support conditionally lazyloading it. Also support integration with WEBP.
  • Enhancement: Improve check for if lazy load should be enabled
  • Enhancement: Add filter to bypass reading/saving of cache
  • Enhancement: Refactor and improve the divi lazyload suypport for videos
  • Enhancement: Add webp support to MetaSlider
  • Enhancement: Add compatibility with the wp-rocket preloader to ensure that it will run
  • Enhancement: If the wp-rocket preloader is on, then run the preloader when site cache is cleared
  • Enhancement: Clear a post cache when the post is saved
  • Enhancement: Add support for a lazyloaded video thumbnail to not be lazyloaded via a data attribute, and expose that in the elementor editor
  • Enhancement: Allow a lazyloaded video thumbnail to have it's responsive size manually set and expose that in the Elementor editor


  • Compatibility: Remove lazy load compatibility script for master slider as it is no longer needed


  • Bug: Verify that the found background properties have settings in elementor compatibility module
  • Bug: Add background lazyload attribute to lazy load compatibility code
  • Enhancement: Add font display swap to TypeKit module


  • Bug: Fix lazy load CSS to not be position absolute
  • Bug: Hash the url without possible use of a CDN
  • Bug: Fix gravity forms recaptcha lazy load support
  • Enhancement: Migrate from lazyLoadXT to lazysizes for increase performance and less bugs with lazy load. For technical details the "intersection observer" version is used with polyfill's
  • Compatibility: Fix with wp-rocket 3.1.x to prevent the default minify from processing and causing edge cases
  • Compatibility: Add lazy load compatibility with Elementor image widget and sections/column backgrounds and overlays
  • Compatibility: Add lazy load compatibility with Elementor Pro posst grid cards and slick slider
  • Compatibility: Add lazy load support for Google Maps widgets and combine Google Maps Pro module


  • Bug: Fix lazy load CSS to not be position absolute
  • Bug: Fix edge case bug with DOMDocument mangling HTML entities
  • Compatibility: Google Plus shut down, so support removed


  • Bug: Fix using css minify instead of JS minify


  • Bug: Set url scheme to prevent no protocol urls from bugging output
  • Bug: Use prevAll and use find over children
  • Bug: Don't process if url is empty
  • Enhancement: Ensure avatar images are processed though CDN
  • Enhancement: Add autoplay support for vimeo
  • Compatibility: Add lazy load compatibility with "Recaptcha In WP Comments Form" plugin
  • Compatibility: Add generic recaptcha lazy load support
  • Compatibility: Add integration with Listify for lazyload compatibility
  • Compatibility: Add integration with Buttonizer for lazy load compatibility
  • Compatibility: Add integration with Masterslider for lazylopad compatibility
  • Compatibility: Change file purge filter for compatibility with wp-rocket 3.2
  • Misc: Update readme with more clear disclaimer


  • Bug: Bug fix fusion framework integration with opengraph and cdn causing crash
  • Compatibility: Force override html minification outside admin to ensure it does not process before plugin html minification runs. This is prep for a sister CSS plugin update


  • Compatibility: Add support for use proof to be optimized
  • Compatibility: Add support for convert kit to be optimized
  • Compatibility: Add compatibility with thrive theme framework to ensure the logo's are processed for CDN replacements
  • Compatibility: Add compatibility with thrive leads to ensure that shortcodes get processed for CDN replacements
  • Compatibility: Add elementor ultimate addons compatibility for the gallery element and before/after slider
  • Compatibility: Add elementor compatibility for the tab element
  • Compatibility: Add CDN/device icon compatibility with avada/fusion framework


  • Bug: Inline tag encoding processed empty tags and outputted garbled data that caused JS errors. Empty tags are no longer encoded


  • Bug: Always encrypt scripts if there is content to prevent processing edge cases
  • Bug: Remove found script in rewrite modules and inject remaining code as a new script to get re-processed to ensure nothing gets silently deleted
  • Bug: Handle case where CDN domain may be just a domain and not a url
  • Integration: Add CookieBot rewrite module
  • Integration: Add CallRail rewrite module to skip processing
  • Enhancement: Prevent any mediaelement embeds from auto starting for lazy loads
  • Compatibility: Add integration with fusion framework to handle the privacy feature for lazy load compatibility
  • Compatibility: Put autoplay in allow attribute due to chrome video changes
  • Compatibility: Add compatibility with wp-rocket 3.1 due to JS minify class change


  • Bug: jQuery wrap appears to set the style attribute and not with and height so work around it
  • Bug: Use maybe_unserialize in revolution slider integration module for forcing javascript options
  • Bug: Set iframes with lazyloaded-video class to max width of 100% to prevent overflowing in video
  • Feature: Add function to enable using a class video-size-linked-to-VIDEOID on a video iframe to force it to use the size of another video via jQuery in edge cases where the image sizes don't match
  • Enhancement: Disable a3 lazy load if enabled but we are logged in and not caching logged in users, but allow filter rocket_footer_js_lazy_load_members_override to override
  • Enhancement: Add css class lazyloaded-video to processed videos to be styled
  • Compatibility: Add compatibility with theme fusion avada/fusion builder
  • Compatibility: Add compatibility with fusion builder/visual composer combination to convert css class to data-attribute for video size linking
  • Compatibility: Add further CSS compatibility with Visual Composer
  • Compatibility: Re-render fusion carousel when any of its images are lazy loaded
  • Compatibility: Add compatibility CSS with visual composer to override margins


  • Don't use PHP_INT_MAX on rocket_buffer


  • Bug: Don't process background images if lazy load is not enabled
  • Bug: Add workaround to force divi parallax's to re-render on lazyload as well as the default all
  • Integration: Add genesis framework integration
  • Enhancement: Ensure get_rocket_cdn_url uses all css/js zones
  • Enhancement: Better handling of video lazy load placeholder size and support p tags
  • Compatibility: Add rewrite module to Prevent Stripe.js from being minified as they don't allow it
  • Compatibility: Add magiczoom compatibility with lazy load
  • Compatibility: Add MemberPress integration to force bundled zxcvbn script to be CDN'ified
  • Compatibility: Add compatibility with AddThis script to exclude script since it doesn't function minified


  • Enable autoplay on lazy load videos
  • Add loading spinner CSS for lazy load videos


  • Add fb-like-box class to list of facebook widgets to lazyload
  • Don't check libxml version on body fix
  • Exclude Shareaholic JS from minify


  • Update framework


  • Remove accidental global font override
  • Remove bad lazy loading default that could interfere with minify


  • Fix Bugs in Video lazy loading
  • Prevent crash from undefined is_plugin_active in some situations
  • Skip lazy load iframe if is in a noscript


  • Fix Bug in Google Plus lazy loading


This is considered a MAJOR release due to the amount of effort that has been invested since the last release in 2017

  • BUGS!: Too many bug fixes to give out in detail. It would be ideal to review git commits in this case
  • Feature: Add lazyloading for CSS background images
  • Feature: Add lazy load for google full page ads
  • Feature: Add Big Bat support
  • Feature: Add rewrite support for Klaviyo Analytics
  • Feature: Add rewrite support for Youtube embed/iframe API
  • Integration: Add integration with Wonder Plugin Carousel
  • Integration: Add integration with Smart Slider 3
  • Integration: Add integration with Qocode Theme Framework
  • Integration: Add integration with MetaSlider
  • Integration: Add integration with Google Maps Widget Pro
  • Integration: Add integration with Divi Popup Builder
  • Integration: Add integration with Bridge Theme
  • Integration: Add Audio integration to properly handle HTML 5 audio
  • Integration: Add a3 lazy load integration to ensure CDN is used for all content
  • Integration: Add integration with Gravity Forms
  • Integration: Add Lazyload support for Qode Framework google maps
  • Integration: Add integration with Divi Builder
  • Integration: Add integration with BNE flyout
  • Integration: Add integration with WPEX theme framework
  • Integration: Add integration with PressCore Theme framework
  • Enhancement/Bug: Bundle a patched and updated a3 lazy Load lazyload XT library version
  • Enhancement: Automatically download the most high resolution youtube thumbnail
  • Enhancement: Ensure lazy load supports iframes with new script
  • Compatibility: Add compatibility with Visual Composer
  • Compatibility: Add revslider lazy load compatibility
  • Compatibility: Add woocommerce integration to disable many cache hooks to reduce problems
  • Compatibility: Add Divi LazyLoad compatibility
  • Compatibility: Disable lazy load if divi frontend pagebuilder is running
  • Compatibility: Add workaround technique for processing inline javascript that has html
  • Deprecated: Remove google tag manager minify since it causes problems


This is a MAJOR release and over 50% of the code is rewritten. While it has been extensively tested, there may still be bugs! Please test in a development site before deploying! Due to the amount of work, only a summary of this version will be detailed below.

  • Major rewrite using new composer based framework.
  • Feature: Add McAfee Secure integration
  • Feature: Add Revolution Slider integration
  • Feature: Add video embed lazyload and download thumnails locally
  • Feature: Add Pin Interest lazyLoad
  • Feature: Add Blog Her Ads lazyload
  • Feature: Hijack JS document.write to enable 3rd party scripts to inject html safely
  • Feature: Add Hub Spot rewriting
  • Feature: Add Pindom Prum rewrite


  • Strip returns in rocket_footer_js_rewrite_js_loaders
  • Improve Google Analytics to conditionally handle ssl
  • Bug fix hanging of Facebook Pixel fbq calls
  • Add Pushcrew Tracking
  • Ensure Facebook SDK is only loaded 1 time
  • Refactor Google Plus to use simpler xpath queries and set a dummy pixel image to emsure it is picked up by lazy load
  • Add support for Google Plus loaded via JS
  • Improve twitter regex
  • Add Tumbler support
  • Improve Google Adsense support and skip ads where there is no ins tag as this is likely a full page or alternate ad
  • Add Amazon Ads support
  • Add Stumble Upon support
  • Add support
  • For Google Adsense, Amazon Ads, and Google Plus, if lazy load is off and the scripts are normal tags, flag to not minify so the scripts are not broken
  • Add support for WooCommerce Social Media Share Buttons plugin
  • Use WP_DEBUG_LOG over WP_DEBUG in rocket_footer_js_debug_enabled
  • Fix logic in rocket_footer_js_debug_enabled that may cause debug to be on by mistake


  • Improve facebook pixel support to prevent possible runtime errors


  • Add support for tracking
  • Ensure zxcvbn password meter is not changed on login and signup pages


  • Update Page Links To compatibility


  • Improve UTF-8 character handling
  • Add support for googleanalytics plugin
  • Improve GA regex
  • Add compatibility with N2Extend framework


  • Add support for Sumo Me


  • Improve multi-line comment regex
  • Rebuild cache system without using SQL


  • Extract and minify GA calls


  • Remove comments from js since JSMin doesn't do it by using a new function rocket_footer_js_minify
  • Run rocket_footer_js_process_remote_script and rocket_footer_js_process_local_script when using cached data as well
  • If rocket_footer_js_process_remote_script/rocket_footer_js_process_local_script return a modified script, then use the original in the cache but minified so it gets processed again properly the next request
  • Inline scripts were not getting cached
  • Removed duplicate minify call for remote scripts
  • Cache the script
  • Fix minify call


  • Ensure home uses the active URL scheme
  • Pass $tags_ref to rocket_footer_js_process_local_script not $tags
  • Change rocket_footer_js_process_local_script signature to use $tags by reference
  • Add support for Facebook Pixel
  • Add support for Pixel Your Site plugin since it stores the pixel code in its own script
  • Add support for Google Web Fonts JS loader


  • Automatically lazy load iframes if they are not lazy loaded already


  • Ensure async attribute is compatible with XHTML


  • Ensure lazy load comments don't get stripped by html minify by using tag markers and doing a regex replacement after minification
  • Improve Twitter regex to support another variation
  • Improve Facebook regex to support another variation
  • Add support for DoubleClick GA
  • Add support for Google Adsense lazy loading


  • Add compatibility hack for older libxml
  • Skip text/html scripts


  • Treat google maps as loading async with a typeof timer and load infobox async if it exists
  • Check document.readyState to run map function in case the window load event already ran


  • Move debug code to rocket_footer_js_debug_enabled function
  • Move web fetch code to rocket_footer_js_remote_fetch function
  • Use rocket_add_url_protocol in rocket_footer_js_rewrite_js_loaders


  • Auto optimize, WP Rockets lazyload, and google analytics to use normal tags instead of javascript loaders so they can get minified
  • If minify is enabled due to LazyLoadXT or A3_Lazy_Load support, then lazy load facebook, twitter, google plus widgets, and avada google maps (if Avada_GoogleMap exists and google maps is on)
  • Enqueue LazyLoadXT widget extension if lazyload is enabled since lazy load plugins don't supply it
  • Improve lazy load regex patterns
  • Split minify to rocket_footer_js_process_remote_script and rocket_footer_js_process_locate_script functions with associated filters to hook into
  • Minify emojione in JS
  • Add hook rocket_footer_js_rewrite_js_loaders to allow pre-processing before minification
  • Add support for avada google maps lazy loading
  • Remove duplicate google maps API scripts and prioritize the first one that has an API key
  • Only lazy load google maps if there is any script content
  • Added function rocket_footer_js_lazyload_script to reduce code duplication


  • Ensure url scheme is set correctly when converting from a CDN domain


  • Disable minify on AMP pages


  • Tested on WordPress 4.7
  • Ensure PHP 5.3 compatibility


  • Correct/improve relative URL logic
  • Prevent html from being minified before JS to prevent issues with detection
  • Add new minify cache system to reduce computation time required to minify a page

Notice: This new cache system could cause unknown issues. While it has been tested, not every situation can be accounted for. Contact me if you hit a problem.

Notice: Cache is stored in transients, so only a normal wp-rocket purge will clear everything


  • Fix logic bug in data-no-minify check


  • Check for relative URL's
  • Add compatibility support for "Page Links To" since it does naughty things with buffering


  • Bugfix fetching JS from filesystem with http\Url
  • Add a newline into the automatic semicolon insertion for the case that the last text is a comment


  • Ensure zxcvbn is loaded normally and not async


  • Exclude js template script tags


  • Check for sourcemaps and add a new line to prevent syntax errors


  • Check for off in display_errors


  • Catch errors if WP_Error is returned or status code is not 200 or 304 or its empty
  • Log errors if debug mode is enabled or PHP display_errors is enabled
  • Disable minify when debug is on regardless of settings
  • Log processed scripts in debug mode
  • Move query string check to only run for local files


  • Web fetch dynamic scripts being defined as not having a JS extension
  • Add regex to remove broken conditional comments out of inline js


  • Add constant DONOTMINIFYJS and function is_rocket_post_excluded_option to minify status check


  • If file is external, we do not want to treat the response as a filesystem path
  • Always set the url domain back to home_url() because it will need to be that even if the original is a CDN or not


  • Use home URL and ABSPATH for the site root and not assume everything is in wp-content


  • Use a http_build_url shim as a fallback instead of deactivating with an error


  • Set main script tag to async


  • Minified wrong JS buffer for inline JS
  • Don't prepend semicolon since its already conditionally prepended for inline JS


  • Add detection for PHP HTTP PECL extension
  • Update code commentation and PHPDoc blocks


  • Changed logic to disable minify setting on front end and combine all scripts + minify if option is set (excluding localized scripts) to a new file in minify cache folder. File name will have user ID if logged in to be unique.
  • Keep application/ld+json in the header


  • Exclude JS extension from slug name and ensure remote file is saved with a JS extension


  • Check for CDN files in remote tags and convert back to a local filename for minification
  • Do variable cleanup


  • Initial version