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yii2-menu copied to clipboard

Menu menager, dynamic Yii2 widget. Active menu items

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Bootstrap Menu Builder for Yii2




  • Creating links, drop menus, line (diver) in the navbar-left and/or navbar-right
  • Sorting, editing, and deleting using drag and drop
  • No jQuery for drag and drop (RubaXa/Sortable)
  • CRUD operations by jQuery Ajax)


composer require pceuropa/yii2-menu dev-master

Add the following code to config file Yii2

'modules' => [
	'menu' => [
            'class' => '\pceuropa\menu\Menu',


1. Create database schema

Make sure that you have properly configured db application component and run the following command:

$ php yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/pceuropa/yii2-menu/migrations

2. Add the following code to view layout file Yii2

use pceuropa\menu\Menu;

NavBar::begin(['brandLabel' => 'Brand','brandUrl' => Url::home(),]);

echo Nav::widget([ 'options' => ['class' => 'navbar-nav navbar-left'],
					'items' => Menu::NavbarLeft(1)  // argument is id of menu
echo Nav::widget([ 'options' => ['class' => 'navbar-nav navbar-right'],
					'items' => Menu::NavbarRight(1)

3. Getting started
