angular-highlightjs copied to clipboard
angular-highlightjs editable with binding
Hi every,
I would like to be able to edit content for that I just add property :
However, when there is no binding with the $scope so the content update it's not catch in $scope variable...
So it's possible to edit the the text with a data-binding?
Thanks for all
Hi @GuillaumeUnice ,
Can you present a simple example of your current progress?
Yes of course,
<div hljs hljs-source="explorer.fileContent" contentEditable="true"></div>
Currently I just make that but the variable scope"explorer.fileContent " it's not update when I change the content. Because "hljs-source" it's one-way binding if I understand :D
Have you tried UI.CodeMirror?
It seems more suitable for you needs?
The problem with this module we have to define the language use it's not automatically detect like your module highlightjs.
Indeed it didn't work I have test but there is lot of problems like highlight format to be specified.
I think it's possible to change scope with watch in hljs?
Maybe with hljs-onhighlight it's possible? I don't understand what make exactly onhighlight If i could have a callback after update that's good too :D