csasdown copied to clipboard
kableExtra question (Not a csasdown bug)
The issue
I'm trying to have some cross-references to sections inside a table generated with csas_table()
. Searching online I found lots of examples of cross-references to a table, but only one short note here re: cross-reference in a table . However, I can't make their instruction re: "escaping the backslash" work.
This Vignette on creating tables with kableExtra also states on p 14 in Section Cell/Text Specification that "you have to escape special symbols including % manually by yourself", but doesn't give a working example.
Current Markdown
table.in <- read_csv("data/Reference Tables/Acronyms.csv")
table.in %>%
mutate_all(function(x){gsub("&", "\\\\&", x)}) %>%
mutate_all(function(x){gsub("%", "\\\\%", x)}) %>%
mutate_all(function(x){gsub("\\\\n","\n", x)}) %>%
csas_table(format = "latex", escape = FALSE, font_size = 10,align = c("l","l","l"),
caption = "(ref:TableAcronyms)") %>%
kableExtra::row_spec(1:dim(table.in)[1]-1, hline_after = TRUE) %>%
kableExtra::column_spec(1, width = "4em") %>%
kableExtra::column_spec(2, width = "24em") %>%
kableExtra::column_spec(3, width = "12em")
Source csv
The source file looks like this
Col 1 | Col2 | Details |
Text | Text | **cross-reference goes here |
Text | Text | **cross-reference goes here |
For the cross-ref, I've tried:
- \\@ref(SRModels) : gives number of cross-referenced section, but in a new row in the first column
- \\\@ref(SRModels) : gives ```ref(SRModels)``` in a new row in the first column, after a blank row
- \\\\@ref(SRModels) : gives number of cross-referenced section in a new row in the first column, after a blank row
Did you try escape = TRUE ?
Is the output of your table code LaTeX not markdown and so you need LaTeX formatted cross references? If you can’t get that to work, try making a small reproducible example of some code we can paste into a csasdown document with small fake data created with R code and we can troubleshoot.
Thank you for the quick responses! I've been tinkering with this, on and off, for a long while, but then thought I might be missing something totally silly and obvious, so started this issue. Also note: this cross-reference column is a "nice to have", not an essential revision of the res doc, so not worth going down any major rabbit holes. Just bugging me that I can't get it to work...
Just tried escape = TRUE: This removes all the line breaks, but just displays the cross-reference text as is, for all the variations listed above
The R-generated sample input is below. Note that anything with an odd number of backslashes fails in R with "Error: '@' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting ""Sec. \@""
acro.df <- data.frame(
"Short Form" = c("BLDP","FSC","HCR"),
Expansion = c("Babine Lake Development Project","Food, Social, and Ceremonial Fisheries",
"Harvest Control Rule"),
"Further Detail" = c("Sec. \\\\\\@ref(ChannelReview)","Sec. \\\\@ref(Project)","Sec. \\@ref(SimMethods)")
Tried this approach and it sort of worked. The trick is to use format = "markdown"
instead of format = "latex"
in the call to csas_table()
. With this I can have regular markdown cross-references \@ref(SRmethods)
as well as bibtex citations like @WSP2005
or [@WSP2005]
in the csv source file. But I have no idea why this works.
The resulting table format looks alright, but the subsequent specifications with row_spec()
and column_spec()
don't seem to work...
Source file
ShortForm | Expansion | Further Detail |
A | Text @BibEntry1 | Sec. \@ref(Project) |
B | Text [@BibEntry1] | Sec. \@ref(ChannelReview) |
```{r TableAcronyms, echo = FALSE, results = "asis"}
table.in <- read_csv("data/Reference Tables/Acronyms.csv")
table.in %>%
mutate_all(function(x){gsub("&", "\\\\&", x)}) %>%
mutate_all(function(x){gsub("%", "\\\\%", x)}) %>%
mutate_all(function(x){gsub("\\\\n","\n", x)}) %>%
csas_table(format = "markdown", escape = FALSE, font_size = 10,align = c("l","l","l"),
caption = "(ref:TableAcronyms)") %>%
kableExtra::row_spec(1:dim(table.in)[1]-1, hline_after = TRUE) %>%
kableExtra::column_spec(1, width = "10em") %>%
kableExtra::column_spec(2, width = "24em")