visreg copied to clipboard
visreg is not ploting random effects with a mixed model
I am trying to run the example provide in library(visreg); library(lme4, quietly=TRUE)
data(Milk, package="nlme")
ctrl <- lmerControl(optCtrl=list(xtol_rel=1e-6)) # Warning otherwise
fit <- lmer(protein ~ Diet + Time + (Time|Cow), Milk, control=ctrl)
v <- visreg(fit, "Time", by="Cow", re.form=~(Time|Cow), plot=FALSE)
However, it is not working and I receive the following message error (translated from Portuguese): 'Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)) : error evaluating argument 'x' when selecting method for function 'rowSums': 'non-conformable arguments'
What's going wrong?
Obs: I am using the package ‘lme4’ built under R version 4.3.3; package ‘Matrix’ built under R version 4.3.1; ‘visreg’ version 2.7.0 and Windows 11 Pro 22H2