42-FdF icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
42-FdF copied to clipboard

FdF @ 42 - wireframe rasterizer

FdF @ 42


A simple 3D height-map renderer. You can rotate models, color is defined by relative height in the map. More features planned!


  • Simple file format definition (array of space-separated integers)
  • 3D rotations with the mouse
  • Camera controls (zoom, translate)
  • Pretty color gradients!
  • Double-buffered
  • Line clipping

Planned features

  • Other projections (right now it's just orthographic)
  • Different view modes: point map, wireframe, and filled
  • More color modes: gradient, file-defined and z-buffer
  • Depth shader
  • Multithreaded calculations (OpenCL even?)
  • Anti-aliased rendering
  • Level-of-detail (less points when you zoom out on huge maps)

Compiling and running

Run make. An executable will compile. Currently only tested on OS X.

Run it with ./fdf [map]. A bunch of sample maps are provided in the maps directory. The one in the screenshot above is maps/42.fdf.

Controls are: drag with left click to rotate, drag with right to zoom, drag with both to move around.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License 3.