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Elixir library for dealing with recurring events
Attempt to resolve #14 The idea is to make `Timex` optional dependency and if available use different date helper to manipulate dates with timezone awareness. At this point it should...
In the following example: ```elixir iex(47)> {:ok, last_time, _} = DateTime.from_iso8601("2018-11-02T12:04:07Z") {:ok, #, 0} iex(48)> last_time = Timex.Timezone.convert(last_time, "America/Los_Angeles") # iex(49)> RecurringEvents.take(last_time, %{freq: :daily, by_hour: 3, by_minute: 0, by_second: 0},...
Sorry in advance for creating many issues for you... ;) Right now the provided API is very adhoc, there is mainly 2 entry points depending if you need a stream...
Another neat thing to maybe put on the roadmap would be to add support for rruleset. Having a proper struct to capture a rrule is even more important to deal...
It would be super convenient to be able to have a way to export rules in the text format compatible with RRULE such as: ``` "FREQ=WEEKLY;DTSTART=20120201T093000Z;INTERVAL=5;UNTIL=20130130T230000Z;BYDAY=MO,FR"