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Getting different md5 hash keys for the same artifact under a unit-test settings (even though the archive is empty in each attempt).
When including an additional unit test to the package that checks for artifacts md5hash, the unit test fails.
Given an artifact, and a path pointing at where to create the archive
When I initialize the archive (deleting any former archive and creating a new one)
AND I use saveToLocalRepo to store
AND I store the md5 hash key given by saveToLocalRepo
Then the md5 hash key should be identical to digest::digest(
The following script tests the above.
It works well when running the code line-by-line, but fails when it's included as part of the test suit (under ~/tests/testthat).
test_that("showLocalRepo generates identical hash keys", {
## Setup ##
repo_dir <- tempdir()
mdl_1 <- lm(mpg ~ ., mtcars[,c(1,2)])
## Helper Function ##
init_archive <- function(path){
unlink(path, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
dir.create(path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
archivist::createLocalRepo(path, force = TRUE, default = FALSE)
## Create Object via showLocalRepo ##
md5hash_archivist_1 <- archivist::saveToLocalRepo(artifact = mdl_1,
repoDir = repo_dir,
value = FALSE,
force = TRUE)
md5hash_archivist_2 <- archivist::saveToLocalRepo(artifact = mdl_1,
repoDir = repo_dir,
value = FALSE,
force = TRUE)
## Tests ##
expect_equal(md5hash_archivist_1, md5hash_archivist_2, check.attributes = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
expect_equal(md5hash_archivist_1, digest::digest(mdl_1, "md5"), check.attributes = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
expect_equal(md5hash_archivist_2, digest::digest(mdl_1, "md5"), check.attributes = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
The errors show that the function results with different hash key values
Any idea what causes the unit test to fail?
thanks will look into this
Just got a hint why it happens in this thread It's potentially solvable with wrapping the artifact before hashing with a function. See note here