enhanced-electron-react-boilerplate copied to clipboard
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: babili has been renamed to babel-minify. Please update to babel-preset-minify
Thanks for you work.
I tried today to test your projet, I got this warning
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: babili has been renamed to babel-minify. Please update to babel-preset-minify
I have done a npm ls to find out which dependancies use it :
`-- [email protected]
`-- [email protected]
PS: If you want to check out another dev dependancies , I use https://david-dm.org/pbarbiero/enhanced-electron-react-boilerplate?type=dev
Yes I need to update this, theres a lot of outdated deps and I want to move these projects to webpack 3.
Still trying to decide if I should switch over to uglifyjs-es or stick with babel-minify. Unfortunately butternut
is no where near stable yet otherwise I think that would be my choice.
It looks like uglify-es is the correct direction to go, especially with maturing webpack integration and plugins.
I am planning an update once webpack 4 and it's plugins mature.
I did a quick & dirty webpack4 + other deps upgrade in https://github.com/pbarbiero/enhanced-electron-react-boilerplate/pull/15. This doesn't touch the minifier but it's probably easy to change it now.
Latest version of my PR switches to uglify-es (this was easy, the latest webpack-uglifyjs-plugin defaults to uglify-es (AFAICT).
I did a quick bundle size comparison:
With old code (babili):
-rw-r--r-- 1 janne staff 33462 Jul 16 00:58 bundle.css
-rw-r--r-- 1 janne staff 204633 Jul 16 00:58 bundle.js
drwxr-xr-x 5 janne staff 160 Jul 15 01:53 font
-rw-r--r-- 1 janne staff 227 Jul 16 00:58 index.html
with webpack-uglifyjs-plugin (uglify-es, my PR):
-rw-r--r-- 1 janne staff 33462 Jul 16 00:59 bundle.css
-rw-r--r-- 1 janne staff 205617 Jul 16 00:59 bundle.js
drwxr-xr-x 5 janne staff 160 Jul 15 01:53 font
-rw-r--r-- 1 janne staff 227 Jul 16 00:59 index.html
The new minifier produces 1kb larger bundle. I didn't try tweaking any options for the minifier as this looked good enough for me.