Piotr Banaszkiewicz
Piotr Banaszkiewicz
For me there's little difference, but I think list of tags is more feature-proof (and allows to easily scale down to 1 tag if we need to).
@maneesha I think that this feature lies within Instructor Selection project bounds. The question is: do we need a new story, or is it covered by existing story?
This should be fairly simple, as the required data to be entered is stored in `amy/static/membership_create.js`. I just want to make sure @maneesha this feature will not be needed again...
@maneesha: > We do have the number of instructors displayed in the "Unpublished" column of the dashboard. Would a different query be required to put this in the "Current" column?...
Okay, so I dug into this issue and have some follow-up questions. @maneesha you're writing about "Current" column, but the issue's title mentions "Published requirements". Should I change only the...
Maybe disable API endpoints for published events while fixing the conditions @maneesha is asking for.
@maneesha I need a little clarification. Currently the workshop is considered unpublished when: 1. it has no start date, OR 2. it has no country, OR 3. it has no...
Wouldn't https://github.com/carpentries/amy/issues/1936 solve this issue?
@maneesha if data migration suits you, I'd rather do it this way. Unless you're certain the same situation can happen in future. EDIT: alternatively I can enable `rolled_to_membership` field edit...
@maneesha I'll need to know memberships (old, new) and how many seats I should roll over from all categories.