@scordio Can I contribute to this one?
@scordio After conducting an initial investigation, I have identified a concern regarding this idea. From a Java perspective, it is impossible to create a sealed class without any permitted subclasses....
> You're referring to hasNoPermittedSubclasses(), right? Yes, I added the clarification in my previous comment. > That's absolutely correct when the object under test is a sealed class. However, hasNoPermittedSubclasses()...
@scordio I think it's fine. I'll do it this way.
@scordio Hi, a PR is ready.
@joel-costigliola Is this one free for taking?
@joel-costigliola Great 👍🏻 I'd like to contribute. Before I begin I'd like to clarify. When `doesNotThrowAnyExceptionExcept(IOException.class)` is called and a subclass of IOException is thrown, then the case should pass,...
@joel-costigliola @scordio I have an additional question. What should happen when `ignoringTransientFields()` is used while the `COMPARING_PROPERTIES` introspection strategy is used? It doesn't make sense to explicitly ignore transient fields...
@millij Hi, can you be more specific? What does not work?