payload icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
payload copied to clipboard

The best way to build a modern backend + admin UI. No black magic, all TypeScript, and fully open-source, Payload is both an app framework and a headless CMS.

Results 340 payload issues
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# Bug Report Fields that are children of Row field that is a child of Tabs field doesn't work - they render empty and updates doesn't affect them. ## Expected...


## Description This PR exposes an express route for all collections with upload configuration, which will return the image resized from the parameters from the query string. The motivation for...

## Description as discussed in ```ts { slug: "landing", fields: [ { name: "cards", type: "blocks", blocks: [cards], required: true, }, ], } ``` is outputting ``` type Landing... Video should show the problem. Each entry has a group "A" and "B". When navigating from Page 1 to 2, some entries show `` even though they do have...


# Bug Report i just installed a fresh copy of payload cms just added a new field 'userName' like below to Users.js `{ name: "userName", type: "text", index: true, required:...


## Description This adds the ability to optionally provide a `name` value to a tab, and have it function the same as a Group when storing/retrieving from the database. As...

# Bug Report This just happened to me while editing rich text (I just typed a letter): ![image]( ![image]( I don't know why, it happens seemingly randomly. It's quite annoying...


# Bug Report Nested lists from the rich text fields are rendering incorrectly. In Payload: ![image]( In my frontend: ![image]( This is the incorrect HTML it generates: ![image]( And this...


Sort select and relationship fields by default

…is on ## Description Remove automatic password and email fields from GraphQL schema when disableLocalStrategy is on. - [ ] I have read and understand the document in this...