@AyushExel - has this progressed at all? if you can point me at the method of training a yolov8 KeyPoint detector, I can try to at least start putting together...
@AyushExel - this sounds like really good timing. Can you please include an example on how custom datasets with custom keypoints can be trained? (including how the models may need...
how does this work? I am using.: ` while True: ok, frame = if not ok: break results = model.track( source=frame, stream=False, tracker="botsort.yaml" # tracker="bytetrack.yaml" ) ` but I...
@Laughing-q - thanks for the quick response! can i use it by feeding it frames in real time? Like from a webcam? the code below does not work: sorry for...
@Laughing-q - sure, it's clear and simple - but I was hoping to make it work with feeding it frames from a live camera source - like a webcam, because...
@Laughing-q - thank you very much, it's working nicely, it's the first time i'm using this and I had blinders on. Are there any plans to also support initialization and...
I was trying to be clever and use ffmpeg to capture the camera and output on a rtsp, but that didn't work as a source :(
@Laughing-q - I understand - I only initialize the tracker once now. I just need a way to feed it frames instead of a stream or a video. I need...
well, it took a little bit of effort, but I made it work - should I bother with a PR?
@Laughing-q - I will keep this thread going for a little bit before the PR because I'm observing a very weird behavior when a multiprocessing.connection is thrown in the mix...