YSI-Includes copied to clipboard
Add new funcs to `y_weapondata`
@Y-Less Reopened the PR again.
@DEntis-T , do you mind adding this to your fork and rebase it with master?
static stock YSI_g_WeaponIconsNames[47][32] =
"brassknuckle:BRASSKNUCKLEicon", // doesn't display, SA-MP's internal limit to create in textdraw
"desert_eagle:desert_eagleicon", // doesn't display, SA-MP's internal limit to create in textdraw
stock bool:Weapon_GetTxdIconName(weaponid, dest[], size = sizeof (dest))
dest[0] = '\0';
if ((weaponid >= 0 && weaponid <= 18 || weaponid >= 22 && weaponid <= 46))
strcat(dest, YSI_g_WeaponIconsNames[weaponid], size);
return true;
return false;
@Y-Less , when are you going to merge this pull request?
This can be merged.
@DEntis-T , do you mind adding this to your fork and rebase it with master?
static stock YSI_g_WeaponIconsNames[47][32] = { "hud:fist", "brassknuckle:BRASSKNUCKLEicon", // doesn't display, SA-MP's internal limit to create in textdraw "golfclub:golfclubicon", "nitestick:nitestickicon", "knifecur:knifecuricon", "bat:baticon", "shovel:shovelicon", "poolcue:poolcueicon", "katana:katanaicon", "chnsaw:chnsawicon", "gun_dildo1:gun_dildo1icon", "gun_dildo2:gun_dildo2icon", "gun_vibe1:gun_vibe1icon", "gun_vibe2:gun_vibe2icon", "flower:flowericon", "gun_cane:gun_caneicon", "grenade:grenadeicon", "TearGas:TearGasicon", "molotov:molotovicon", "colt45:colt45icon", "silenced:silencedicon", "desert_eagle:desert_eagleicon", // doesn't display, SA-MP's internal limit to create in textdraw "chromegun:chromegunicon", "shotgspa:shotgspaicon", "sawnoff:sawnofficon", "micro_uzi:micro_uziicon", "mp5lng:mp5lngicon", "ak47:ak47icon", "M4:M4icon", "tec9:tec9icon", "cuntgun:cuntgunicon", "SNIPER:SNIPERicon", "rocketla:rocketlaicon", "heatseek:heatseekicon", "flame:flameicon", "minigun:minigunicon", "satchel:satchelicon", "bomb:bombicon", "SPRAYCAN:SPRAYCANicon", "fire_ex:fire_exicon", "camera:Cameraicon", "nvgoggles:nvgogglesicon", "irgoggles:irgogglesicon", "gun_para:gun_paraIcon" }; stock bool:Weapon_GetTxdIconName(weaponid, dest[], size = sizeof (dest)) { dest[0] = '\0'; if ((weaponid >= 0 && weaponid <= 18 || weaponid >= 22 && weaponid <= 46)) { strcat(dest, YSI_g_WeaponIconsNames[weaponid], size); return true; } return false; }
@Y-Less , when are you going to merge this pull request?