Michel Pawlak
Michel Pawlak
Hi, It would be great if it was possible to display albums as a textual list with a small image (cover) next to it. Thanks in advance
Hi, After having synced files, when I activate the artist list view, all artists are displayed, however only some albums are displayed (most of the time only 1, where up...
See: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/code-smells/oTwmRqB5tQI
Hello, A recurring feedback I get from friends and family is that the landing page is not very intuitive (especially for older people, but also for all people not knowing...
As stated in the title, the [InfinityBookPro14-Gen9 - CH-FR ISO](https://github.com/tuxedocomputers/keyboard-layouts/blob/master/InfinityBook%20Pro%2014%20(Gen9)/TUXEDO%20-%20InfinityBookPro14-Gen9%20-%20CH-FR%20ISO.svg) layout is not CH-FR but CH-DE. The mistake is related to three keys: `éö`, `èü` and `àä`. While both `CH-FR`...