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XFormatter creates localized strings from numbers, currencies, dates and more.

XFormatter logo

Build Code coverage Language Supported platforms

Swift Package Manager Release version License


XFormatter (eXtended Formatter) creates localized strings from numbers, currencies, dates and more.

Table of Contents
  1. Installation
  2. Highlights
  3. License



  • iOS 17.0+
  • macOS 14.0+
  • watchOS 10.0+
  • tvOS 17.0+

Swift Package Manager

XFormatter is available as a Swift Package.

.package(url: "https://github.com/pawello2222/XFormatter.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))



let formatter = XFormatter.currency(
    locale: .init(identifier: "en_US"),
    currencyCode: "USD"

XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: 326.097, abbreviation: .default), "$326.10")
XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: 1432.99, abbreviation: .default), "$1.43k")
XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: 100_081, abbreviation: .default), "$100.08k")
XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: 4_729_432, abbreviation: .default), "$4.73m")
XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: -42.811, abbreviation: .default), "-$42.81")
XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: -4239.81, abbreviation: .default), "-$4.24k")
XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: 123.456, sign: .arrow), "▲$123.46")


let formatter = XFormatter.decimal(
    locale: .init(identifier: "en_US")

XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: -1000), "-1,000")
XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: 1000, abbreviation: .default), "1k")
XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: 1000, abbreviation: .capitalized), "1K")
XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: 123.456, sign: .both), "+123.46")
XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: -123.456, sign: .spacedArrow), "▼ 123.46")
XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: 0.123456789, precision: .default), "0.12")
XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: 0.12, precision: .init(3...)), "0.120")


let formatter = XDateFormatter.date(
    locale: .init(identifier: "pl_PL"),
    localizedFormat: "yyyyMMddjjmmss"

let date = Date(year: 2000, month: 3, day: 24, hour: 16, minute: 14, second: 44)

XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: date), "24.03.2000, 16:14:44")

Date components

let formatter = XDateFormatter.dateComponents(
    locale: .init(identifier: "en_US")

let now = Date()
let future = now.adjusting(\.day, by: 2)

XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: now, to: future), "48 hours")
let formatter = XDateFormatter.dateComponents(
    locale: .init(identifier: "en_US")

let date = Date(year: 2000, month: 3, day: 24, hour: 16, minute: 14, second: 44)
let components = date.components([.hour, .minute])

XCTAssertEqual(formatter.string(from: components), "16 hours, 14 minutes")


XFormatter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.