deskreen copied to clipboard
Full screen sharing gives a black screen
Using deskreen 2.0.4, when sharing a full screen (either the virtual screen or the real one), one ends up with a black screen on the other end, on the target browser; but I can see the mouse cursor moving, that I am controlling from the source laptop.
I am guessing this is because I am using wayland (with gnome-shell), and this is causing problem with deskreen? But this is working fine when sharing only a window(?) When sharing the real screen, I can see a black screen, and the mouse cursor is shown moving when over the deskreen window only.
i have the same issue, and I also have to use Wayland for my work.
Having the same issue here, running in Wayland Fedora 39 KDE. But when I run in X11, it does works. The version should be 2.0.4 AppImage.
Edit: Saw there's one of the post said "if the latest chrome is able to record the screen, but Deskreen can't, then I can try to upgrade electron version", this link can test if chrome able to record the screen
So my best bet is to try to upgrade the electron version?
Edit on 22nd February: Not sure why now it works on my machine, I have no idea how and why. Could be me installing some packages when trying alternative.
like this #45
run by
deskreen --enable-features=WebRTCPipeWireCapturer
then select Entire Screen
maybe show wayland