robotframework-soapuilibrary copied to clipboard
mock wsdl and rest web services
are going to implement such functionality in your library?
do you mean this: and ?
Seems to be possible to access it through the API, though I didn't work with it yet. But it should be possible. Do you have a working example in a project file and could you gist it please so I can have a look?
i got code that run mock service from soapui
def project = context.testCase.getTestSuite().getProject(); def mockService = project.getMockServiceByName("WorkScheduleServiceMock"); mockService.start();
done. see examples/mock
super fast, thanks
i will check today's evening
i modified a bit run.bat to
set SOAPUI_HOME="c:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\soapUI-4.0.1"
jybot --pythonpath %SOAPUI_HOME%/bin/soapui-4.0.1.jar:%SOAPUI_HOME%/lib/STAR.jar --escape star:STAR --variable PRJ:tempconvert-soapui-project.xml --variable SUITE:suite --variable CASE:case --variable MOCK:mock test.txt
run it and get following issue
looking for suggestions!
That's plenty of error text...
As far as I can see, the whole problem is around "java.lang.ClassCastException: com.eviware.soapui.config.impl.InterfaceConfigImpl cannot be cast to com.eviware.soapui. config.WsdlInterfaceConfig". But I have no idea, what it is. Is it any related to SoapUI running on Windows? Different versions? I must admit, I only tested on Ubuntu.
Can anyone confirm the error?
I tested on
- Windows 7 RU
- jython 2.5.1
- soapUI 4.0.1
and can reproduce issue