PPAssetsActionController copied to clipboard
Highly customizable Action Sheet Controller with Assets Preview written in Swift
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If you want to play with me, just tap here and enjoy! 🎩🕴
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Try me 📲
The easiest way to try me (make sure you read Requirements section first):
pod try PPAssetsActionController
Requirements 🖥
How to use me 🔩
It's super easy to start using PPAssetsActionController.
Make sure to checkout example project that features quite a few usecases
All you need to do is:
import PPAssetsActionController
func presentAssetsActionController() {
let assetsPicker = PPAssetsActionController(with: [])
present(assetsPicker, animated: true, completion: nil)
If you want to present couple of options, you do:
import PPAssetsActionController
func presentAssetsActionController() {
let options = [
PPOption(withTitle: option1String) { print("my option 1 callback") },
PPOption(withTitle: option2String) { print("my option 2 callback") }
let assetsPicker = PPAssetsActionController(with: options)
present(assetsPicker, animated: true, completion: nil)
If you want to know what PPAssetsActionController has to say, become it's delegate:
import PPAssetsActionController
class CustomizationsViewController: UITableViewController {
func presentAssetsActionController() {
let options = [
PPOption(withTitle: option1String) { print("my option 1 callback") },
PPOption(withTitle: option2String) { print("my option 2 callback") }
let assetsPicker = PPAssetsActionController(with: options)
assetsPicker.delegate = self
present(assetsPicker, animated: true, completion: nil)
extension CustomizationsViewController: PPAssetsActionControllerDelegate {
Callbacks implementations you're interested in.
If you want to customize PPAssetsActionController's appearance or behavior check out PPAssetsActionConfig
struct and use it like this:
import PPAssetsActionController
func presentAssetsActionController() {
let options = [
PPOption(withTitle: option1String) { print("my option 1 callback") },
PPOption(withTitle: option2String) { print("my option 2 callback") }
var config = PPAssetsActionConfig()
config.tintColor = UIColor.magenta
let assetsPicker = PPAssetsActionController(with: options, aConfig: config)
present(assetsPicker, animated: true, completion: nil)
Localization 💪
Example project features complete localization to russian language including plurals.
If you want to check it out just run PPAssetsActionController_Example_Rus
For more info I suggest to check out this nice tutorial by Quentin Zervaas.
The article will put you up to speed with all intricacies of localization in no time.
Example 🚀
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Installation 🤖
PPAssetsActionController is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'PPAssetsActionController'
PPAssetsActionController is also available through Carthage. Add the following line to your Cartfile:
github "pantuspavel/PPAssetsActionController"
Developer Setup 🤓
To open the project:
git clone [email protected]:pantuspavel/PPAssetsActionController.git
cd PPAssetsActionController
cd Example
pod install
open PPAssetsActionController.xcworkspace
Tests 🐛
To run automation tests you need to set up simulator and load assets first.
cd PPAssetsActionController
./.setup_sim.sh "name=iPad Air 2,OS=10.1" // See setup_sim.sh to discover all supported simulators.
When script finished go to Xcode and select just created simulator (assets-vs-ipad-ios10
for iPad version).
Press command+U, enjoy!
Required Info.plist keys 🔑
If you're using PPAssetsActionController on iOS10 you need to declare NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription
, NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
, NSCameraUsageDescription
keys in your application's Info.plist or your app will crash on launch. For example refer to Example project's Info.plist. For more info read this article.
Feedback 👌
Feedback is very welcome. If you have an idea in mind don't hesitate to ping me on twitter @pantusp or here.
Contributions are very welcome and encouraged. If you have something to say file an issue or open a PR to start a conversation going.
Author 👋
Pavel Pantus, @pantusp, [email protected]
License 📖
PPAssetsActionController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.