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Pgpool + Postgres integration
Now Pgpool and Repmgr know nothing about each over. But there is a chance when a new master elected pgpool still points to old master.
To Be Done:
- Pgpool should receive signals from repmgr(event in repmgr?) about new master and automatically exclude old (if it's still online)
- For short period of time (before helthcheck for false_master is done or it's disabled or no quorum) - splitbrain situation is possible, so pgpool should be ready for that and ignore minor master and it's slaves
- Pgpool should be able to accept signals about slaves are back (let say after restart)
- Avoid SSH servers in all containers (pcp protocol?...)
Regarding point №3, I've added this to
in my k8s deploy:
BACKENDS_COUNT=`echo $BACKENDS |awk -F ',' '{print NF}'`
if [[ "$HEALTHY_BACKENDS" -ne "$BACKENDS_COUNT" ]]; then
for (( node=0; node<$BACKENDS_COUNT; node++ )); do
node_state=`pcp_node_info -h localhost -U $PCP_USER -w -n $node | awk '{print $5}'`
if [[ "$node_state" != "up" ]]; then
pcp_attach_node -h localhost -U $PCP_USER -w -n $node || echo ">>> Node $node attach failed!"
This way if some node was marked as down and then went back online, liveness probe will mark it again as up