Paul Walker
Paul Walker
That's not my particular confusion. What is the intended behavior? It is intended that god will auto-daemonize when specifying a pid file or `not` specifying a pid file? The initial...
Ah, now I understand. Yes, I would change the sentence subject from "watcher" to "process" as you suggested. Additionally, I would add text to make it clear that GOD in...
What about putting single quotes around the version? Also, jruby -S dep... does not run the command under jruby when both mri and jvm versions are installed.
To follow up on JRuby, I found the following fix worked in bin/dep ``` def gem_cmd @gem_cmd ||= Gem.platforms.last.os == "java" ? 'jgem' : 'gem' end def fetch(dep) if dep.version...
this is settable in the options but perhaps it's best to allow for an ENV var?
the public directory. but if there is code that does not recognize this setting, that is a bug.
Hmm...I don't see any type checking in the condition and #empty? is actually happening on the class I defined in the Aspect. Could it be because I am not using...
It seems a bit strange that the migrations can be accessed via bindata, but then a config file is still required?
I am having this same issue on Heroku. Are you saying that I need to restart my app when this happens? I thought this gem was Heroku compatible?
`it's a requirement that you have hairpin NAT configured properly` @munnerz Can you extrapolate on that. I cannot get the selfcheck to work myself as the selfcheck seems to be...