fli-hole icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
fli-hole copied to clipboard

A pi-hole deployed into Fly.io and transported with Tailscale

Pi-hole on Fly.io served via Tailscale

How to do it:

  1. Get set up with Fly.io (only install flyctl and create an account/login)
  2. Get set up with Tailscale
  3. Clone this repo
  4. Run the command fly launch --name $APP_NAME --no-deploy and answer the prompts (pick your own $APP_NAME)
  5. Create an auth key in Tailscale and copy it to clipboard
  6. Run the command fly secrets set TAILSCALE_AUTHKEY=<paste auth key here>
  7. Run the command fly deploy --remote-only
  8. Test it out with dig @${APP_NAME}.fly.dev google.com
  9. If $STEP-1 worked, get the IP address of the Tailscale interface (from the Tailscale admin) and set that as your DNS resolver (in /etc/resolv.conf, Advanced tab of macOS's Networking panel in System Preferences, iOS, etc.)
