vue-materialize icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-materialize copied to clipboard

materialize - done in vue

DEPRECATED see cerijs and ceri-materialize


materializeCss styles for vue-comps.



  • No jQuery dependency
  • Velocity.js for animations
  • vue-touch for touch compability
  • Easy style modification
  • Only load what you need (webpack code splitting)

What is missing:

  • carousel
  • range & slider
  • file-input
  • tabs
  • date-picker


npm install --save-dev vue-materialize
## When using with webpack (recommended)
# webpack
npm install --save-dev webpack
# style loaders
npm install --save-dev style-loader css-loader sass-loader url-loader file-loader vue-style-loader
# node-sass
npm install --save-dev node-sass

or include build/bundle.js (comes with npm install - 159kb - includes Velocity.js)

Import syntax

commonJS allows to require a single js file:

  "fab": require("vue-materialize/fixed-action-button") # loads the fixed-action-button.js in the vue-materialize folder

This is not possible with the es6 import/export. You can still use it like this:

import {fixedActionButton} from "vue-materialize"
components: {
  "fab": fixedActionButton

However, webpack will add ALL components to your bundle this way.

Webpack 2 comes with tree-shaking to remove all unused components again. So if you really want to use the import syntax please migrate to webpack 2.

Table of contents

  • Style
    • Webpack config
    • configure SCSS
  • Icons
  • JS
    • card
    • collapsible
    • dropdown
    • fixed-action-button
    • material-box
    • modal
    • parallax
    • pushpin
    • scrollfire
    • scrollspy
    • side-nav
    • toaster
    • tooltip
    • waves
  • forms
    • radio
    • checkbox
    • switch
    • input-field
    • Select
  • Changelog
  • License


For the usage of the css only components see the very good materialize-css documentation.

For style personalisation see the sass variable definitions in the original repo.

Webpack config top^

loaders: [
  { test: /\.woff(\d*)\??(\d*)$/, loader: "url-loader?limit=10000&mimetype=application/font-woff" }
  { test: /\.ttf\??(\d*)$/,    loader: "file-loader" }
  { test: /\.eot\??(\d*)$/,    loader: "file-loader" }
  { test: /\.svg\??(\d*)$/,    loader: "file-loader" }
  { test: /\.scss$/, loader: "style!css!sass?sourceMap"}

configure SCSS top^

create a file, for example materialize.config.scss

@charset "UTF-8";

@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/mixins";

// all colors:
// @import "~materialize-css/sass/components/color";

// BEGIN: only specific colors
@import "~vue-materialize/sass/color";
// include colors you need
@include do("include-color","black", "base");
@include do("include-color","white", "base");
@import "~vue-materialize/sass/colorProcessor";
// END: only specific colors

@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/variables";
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/normalize";
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/typography";
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/global";

// modify variables here
// all available sass variables:
// e.g. $dropdown-bg-color: black;

// css only, no JS needed for these
// activate only what you need
$roboto-font-path: "~materialize-css/fonts/roboto/";
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/roboto";
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/icons-material-design"; // icons are no long included in materializeCSS
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/buttons";
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/grid";
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/navbar";
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/preloader";
@import "~vue-materialize/sass/forms";

// css for js modules
// activate only what you need
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/cards";
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/sideNav";
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/dropdown";
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/modal";
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/collapsible";
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/table_of_contents"; // scrollspy
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/forms/input-fields";
// ----- no js but need to be after input-fields
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/forms/checkboxes";
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/forms/radio-buttons";
// -----
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/forms/switches";
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/forms/select"; // need to be after input-fields
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/toast";
@import "~materialize-css/sass/components/tooltip";

// NOT implemented yet:
// @import "~materialize-css/sass/components/tabs";
// @import "~materialize-css/sass/components/slider";
// @import "~materialize-css/sass/components/date_picker/default";
// @import "~materialize-css/sass/components/date_picker/";
// @import "~materialize-css/sass/components/date_picker/default.time";
// @import "~materialize-css/sass/components/forms/file-input";
// @import "~materialize-css/sass/components/forms/range";

Require it like this:

import "./materialize.config.scss"

Icons top^

No icons are included in the bundle.

You can either take the Google Material Design Icons as a font and use them the materializeCSS way:

<i class="material-icons">add</i>

or use vue-icons:


If you use webpack, you could use vue-icons, this will allow you to load only the icons you need. Additional dependencies:

npm install --save-dev callback-loader vue-icons@1

Additional webpack config:

  postLoaders: [
    { test: /vue-icons/, loader: "callback-loader"}
  require("vue-icons/icon-loader")(["material-add"]) # add all the icons you need
  "icon": require("vue-materialize/icon")
<icon name="material-add"></icon>


card top^

## whithin your module
  "card": require("vue-materialize/card")
# or with bundle.js
  "card": window.vueMaterialize.card
<card class="sticky-action"> <!-- remove sticky-action class for normal action -->
  <img slot="img" src=""></img>
  <span slot="title">Title (click me)</span>
  <p>Some Content</p>
  <span slot="revealTitle">Title (click me)</span> <!-- required for reveal to work -->
  <p slot="reveal">Significantly more Content</p>
  <a slot="action" href="#card">Some sticky action</a>

demo - source for demo - doc: vue-card

Of course you can also use the no-reveal materializeCSS cards.

collapsible top^

## whithin your module
  "collapsible": require("vue-materialize/collapsible")
  "collapsible-item": require("vue-materialize/collapsible-item")
# or with bundle.js
  "collapsible": window.vueMaterialize.collapsible
  "collapsible-item": window.vueMaterialize.collapsibleItem
    <h4 slot="header">header1</h4>
    <p>body 1</p>
    <h4 slot="header">header21</h4>
    <p>body 2</p>

demo - source for demo - doc: vue-collapsible

dropdown top^

## whithin your module
  "dropdown": require("vue-materialize/dropdown")
# or with bundle.js
  "dropdown": window.vueMaterialize.dropdown
<button> Open Dropdown

demo - source for demo - doc: vue-comps-dropdown

fixed-action-button top^

## whithin your module
  "fab": require("vue-materialize/fixed-action-button")
# or with bundle.js
  "fab": window.vueMaterialize.fixedActionButton
<fab style="bottom:20px;right:20px">
  <a class="btn-floating btn-large" slot="fab">hover</button>
  <li><a class="btn-floating">1</a></li>
  <li><a class="btn-floating">2</a></li>

demo - source for demo - doc: vue-fixed-action-button

Additional props top^

Name type default description
horizontal Boolean false opens to the left
other-side Boolean false opens to the bottom (or right with horizontal)

material-box top^

## whithin your module
  "material-box": require("vue-materialize/material-box")
# or with bundle.js
  "material-box": window.vueMaterialize.materialBox
<material-box style="width:200px",src="some/image.jpg",thumb="some/thumb.jpg">
  <span slot="caption" style="color:white">a caption</span>

demo - source for demo - doc: vue-zoombox

modal top^

## whithin your module
  "modal": require("vue-materialize/modal")
# or with bundle.js
  "modal": window.vueMaterialize.modal
<button> Open Modal
    <div class="modal-content">
    <div class="modal-footer">
      <button class="btn btn-flat">close</button>
    </div class="modal-footer">

demo - source for demo - doc: vue-comps-modal

Additional props top^

Name type default description
bottom-sheet Boolean false opens from the bottom (see demo )

parallax top^

  "parallax": require("vue-materialize/parallax")
# or with bundle.js
  "parallax": window.vueMaterialize.parallax
<parallax src="path/to/img">
  <div slot="loading">loading...</div>

demo - source for demo - doc: vue-parallax

pushpin top^

  "pushpin": require("vue-materialize/pushpin")
# or with bundle.js
  "pushpin": window.vueMaterialize.pushpin
  <p>some fixed text</p>

demo - source for demo - doc: vue-pushpin

scrollfire top^

## whithin your module
  "scrollfire": require("vue-materialize/scrollfire")
# or with bundle.js
  "scrollfire": window.vueMaterialize.scrollfire
<scrollfire @entered="doSomething"></scrollfire>

demo - source for demo - doc: vue-scrollfire

scrollspy top^

## whithin your module
  "scrollspy": require("vue-materialize/scrollspy")
  "scrollspy-item": require("vue-materialize/scrollspy-item")
# or with bundle.js
  "scrollspy": window.vueMaterialize.scrollspy
  "scrollspy-item": window.vueMaterialize.scrollspyItem
  <scrollspy-item target="idOfTarget">description of target</scrollspy-item>
  <scrollspy-item target="idOfOtherTarget">description of other target</scrollspy-item>

demo - source for demo - doc: vue-comps-scrollspy

side-nav top^

# somewhere

# in your component
  "side-nav": require("vue-materialize/side-nav")
# or with bundle.js
  "side-nav": window.vueMaterialize.sideNav
  <li><a>First Text</a></li>

demo - source for demo - doc: vue-side-nav

toaster top^

# somewhere

# in your component
  # or with bundle.js
# in the instance (text is mandatory)
@toast(text:"I'm toast", classes:["toast","rounded"], timeout:4000, cb: ->)
  #do something on close

demo - source for demo - doc: vue-toaster

tooltip top^

# in your component
  "tooltip": require("vue-materialize/tooltip")
# or, when using bundle.js
  "tooltip": window.vueMaterialize.tooltip
<button>Hover me!
  <tooltip>Some information</tooltip>

demo - source for demo - doc: vue-comps-tooltip

waves top^

# somewhere

# in your component
  "waves": require("vue-materialize/waves")
# or, when using bundle.js
  "waves": window.vueMaterialize.waves
<button>Click or touch me!

demo - source for demo - doc: vue-comps-waves


radio top^

<input type="radio" id="one" value="One" v-model="picked">
<label for="one">One</label>
<input type="radio" id="two" value="Two" v-model="picked" class="with-gap">
<label for="two">Two</label>

demo - source for demo - doc: radio

checkbox top^

<input type="checkbox" id="one">
<label for="one">One</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="two" class="filled-in">
<label for="two">Two</label>

demo - source for demo - doc: checkbox

switch top^

  "switch": require("vue-materialize/switch")
# or with bundle.js
  "switch": window.vueMaterialize.switch
  <span slot="off">SomeOffLabel</span> <!-- defaults to Off -->
  <span slot="on">SomeOnLabel</span> <!-- defaults to On -->

demo - source for demo - doc: vue-toggle

input-field top^

## whithin your module
  "input-field": require("vue-materialize/input-field")
# or with bundle.js
  "input-field": window.vueMaterialize.inputField
<div class="row">
  <input-field class="s6" label="name"></input-field>
    <!-- optional -->
    <icon name="fa-user", slot="icon", class="prefix"></icon>
<!-- no wrapping row for textarea -->
<input-field class="s6" label="Some text" textarea></input-field>

demo - source for demo

Props top^

Name type default description
autofocus Boolean false autofocus
disabled Boolean false disabled
readonly Boolean false readonly
textarea Boolean false use <textarea> instead of <input>
type String - type for <input>
validate Function - use for validating input, argument will be the current value
dataError String - message to display on invalid input. Used with validate
dataSuccess String - message to display on valid input. Used with validate
label String - description of the input
value String - preset the value
placeholder String - sets a placeholder
length Number 0 maximum length of input

Events top^

focus and blur are pass-through

Select top^

## whithin your module
  "v-select": require("vue-materialize/select")
  "v-option": require("vue-materialize/select-option")
# or with bundle.js
  "v-option": window.vueMaterialize.selectOption
<v-select :value="value" @input="onInput">
  <v-option value="1">option 1/<v-option>
  <v-option value="2">option 2</v-option>

demo - source for demo - doc: vue-simple-select


  • 1.0.0
    vue-toaster updated to 1.1.0 changelog
    moved vue-icons to devDependencies
    pointing main to build/index.js

  • 0.4.1
    added vue-simple-select as select - this need a reordering of the scss (see SCSS)

  • 0.4.0
    vue-zoombox updated to 1.0.0 changelog
    vue-toaster updated to 1.0.0 changelog
    vue-comps-scrollspy updated to 1.0.0 changelog
    vue-pushpin updated to 1.0.0 changelog
    vue-parallax updated to 1.0.0 changelog
    vue-card updated to 1.1.0 changelog

  • 0.3.0
    vue-collapsible updated to 1.0.1 changelog
    vue-side-nav updated to 1.1.0 changelog
    vue-fixed-action-button updated to 1.1.0 changelog
    added other-side prop for vue-materialize/fixed-action-button
    vue-comps-waves updated to 1.0.0 changelog
    vue-icons updated to 1.4.1 changelog
    vue-scrollfire updated to 1.0.0 changelog
    vue-comps-tooltip updated to 1.0.0 changelog
    vue-comps-modal updated to 1.1.1 changelog
    vue-comps-dropdown updated to 1.2.1 changelog


Copyright (c) 2015 Paul Pflugradt Licensed under the MIT license.