Paulo F. Oliveira

Results 152 comments of Paulo F. Oliveira

I bumped into this today. I want to have a route like `/users/:user_id/[queries/:query_id]` where the optional part is not acceptable for a PUT operation. The way it is the request...

> I bumped into this today. I want to have a route like `/users/:user_id/[queries/:query_id]` where the optional part is not acceptable for a PUT operation. The way it is the...

I'm tentatively assigning this to me. Can't guarantee I'll have the time to look at it, but it'll stay in my TO DO list, at least 😄

This reply is probably (very) late, but might help future users. I had a similar issue. JavaFX stopped being bundled with Java since Java 11. You have to add the...

I also had a couple of warnings (still have some) that I started solving by adding ```xml org.apache.maven.plugins maven-compiler-plugin 2.3.2 UTF-8 -Xlint:unchecked ``` to `pom.xml`.

To get rid of the final warning I changed (`pom.xml`) `appendAssemblyId` from `false` to `true`. (still not sure about the impact of this)... At the same time, and since I'm...

This got rid of all warnings, but it still doesn't allow the application to run. I know I can do ``` java --module-path /path_to_jfx_sdk/lib --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -jar target/*.jar ``` and have...

This might've done the trick (it worked for me). I installed liberica's OpenJDK version ( added it to the path and ran (as in the `java -jar target/*.jar`. Now...

I eventually did a lot of stuff and updated a lot of code (for a more recent Java implementation), so I created a fork for this, but I'm not actively...

Now that OTP 24 RC-1 is out, and since a few related fixes/updates have been done, is it possible to eventually tag and release? Many thanks.