tcpdi_parser copied to clipboard
Blank page when writing on a v.1.5 PDF file
I'm trying to write on a PDF file v.1.5, but it doesn't work. The original file has 7 pages, the new one has only one blank page except for a black line on the top. For privacy reason I can't attach the file.
I'm using a try - catch block to catch exceptions but I don't get any error... Here is my code: ` require('../../../lib/tcpdf/tcpdf.php'); require('../../../lib/tcpdf/tcpdi.php'); try{ $pdf = new TCPDI(); $pageCount = $pdf->setSourceData($content);
for ($pageNo = 1; $pageNo <= $pageCount; $pageNo++) {
$tplIdx = $pdf->importPage($pageNo);
$size = $pdf->getTemplateSize($tplIdx);
$w = $size[w];
$h = $size[h];
if ($h > $w ){ // Il PDF è Portrait
}else{ // Il PDF è Landscape
$larghezzaFoglio = $pdf->getPageWidth();
$pdf->Cell($larghezzaFoglio-0.4, 5, " ".$stringaTimbro, 1,1,'L');
$pdf->Output($name, "D");
} catch (Exception $e) { echo($e); } `
I'm using FPDF_TPL - Version 1.2.3, TCPDF Version 6.2.12, TCPDF parser Version 1.0.16, TCPDI parser Version 1.1, TCPDI - Version 1.0. Please let me know if you need more informations.