convert-css-in-js icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
convert-css-in-js copied to clipboard

Convert kebab-case CSS to camelCase CSS and vice versa

Convert CSS in JS (Deprecated)

This is now combined with the Atom version and being maintained at Please head over there to see the latest code and contribute. 😎

Convert kebab-case CSS to camelCase CSS and vice versa

Converts CSS between regular CSS syntax (strings) and CSS-in-JS syntax (style objects)


How to Use

Select some block of text in a javascript or typescript file and use cmd+shift+p to bring up the command palette, then select Convert CSS-in-JS.

Or use the keyboard shortcut cmd+shift+j (ctrl+shift+j on Windows).


Thanks to Ansuman Shah for making css-in-js for Atom. I basically copied what was done in that repo. 😃


© 2017 Paul Molluzzo