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Utilities for password generation and estimation with support for iOS keychain


The repository has been merged into micro-key-producer. Please head to the new repo for updates.

npm install micro-key-producer

Utilities for password generation with support for iOS keychain.

  • Maps bytes to passwords using masks
  • No dependencies
  • Supports iOS / macOS Safari Secure Password from Keychain
  • Provides ZXCVBN Score for password bruteforce estimation


import * as pwd from 'micro-password-generator';
// Use cryptographically secure RNG. Do not use Math.random(), it's not secure
import { randomBytes } from '@noble/hashes/utils';

(async () => {
  const seed = randomBytes(32);
  // Random password
  // wivfi1-Zykrap-fohcij, will change on each run

  // Or using mask, if there is specific requirements
  // "9Sy

  // Mask statistic (napkin math attack cost estimation)
    score: 'somewhat guessable', // ZXCVBN Score
    // Guess times
    guesses: {
      online_throttling: '1y 115mo', // Throttled online attack
      online: '1mo 10d', // Online attack
      // Offline attack (salte, slow hash function like bcrypt, scrypt, PBKDF2, argon, etc)
      slow: '57min 36sec',
      fast: '0 sec' // Offline attack
    // Estimated attack costs (in $)
    costs: {
      luks: 1.536122841572242, // LUKS (Linux FDE)
      filevault2: 0.2308740987992559, // FileVault 2 (macOS FDE)
      macos: 0.03341598798410283, // MaccOS v10.8+ passwords
      pbkdf2: 0.011138662661367609 // PBKDF2 (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256)

Mask control characters

Mask Description Example
1 digits 4, 7, 5, 0
@ symbols !, @, %, ^
v vowels a, e, i
c consonant b, c, d
a letter (vowel or consonant) a, b, e, c
V uppercase vowel A, E, I
C uppercase consonant B, C, D
A uppercase letter A, B, E, C
l lower and upper case letters A, b, C
n same as 'l', but also digits A, 1, b, 2, C
* same as 'n', but also symbols A, 1, !, b, @
s syllable (same as 'cv') ca, re, do
S Capitalized syllable (same as 'Cv) Ca, Ti, Je
All other characters used as is


  • Mask: Cvccvc-cvccvc-cvccv1 will generate Mavmuq-xadgys-poqsa5
  • Mask @Ss-ss-ss will generate: *Tavy-qyjy-vemo

Design rationale

Most strict password rules (so password will be accepted everywhere):

  • at least one upper-case character
  • at least one lower-case character
  • at least one symbol
  • at least one digit
  • length greater or equal to 8 These rules don't significantly increase password entropy (most humans will use mask like 'Aaaaaa1@' or any other popular mask), but they means that we cannot simple use mask like ********, since it can generate passwords which won't satisfy these rules.

What do we want from passwords?

  • length: entering 32 character password for FDE via IPMI java applet on remote server is pretty painful. -> 12-16 probably ok, anything with more characters has chance to be truncated by service.
  • readability: entering '!#%!$#Y^&*#%@#!!1' from air-gapped pc is hard.
  • entropy:
    • 32 bit is likely to be brutforced via network
    • 64 bit: 22 days && 1.6k$ at 4x V100: https://blog.trailofbits.com/2019/11/27/64-bits-ought-to-be-enough-for-anybody/ but it is simple loop, if there is something like pbkdf before password, it will significantly slowdown everything
    • 80 bits is probably outside of budget for most attackers (btc hash rate) even if there is major speedup for specific algorithm
    • For websites and services we don't care much about entropy, since passwords are unique and there is no re-usage, however for FDE / server password entropy is pretty important
  • no fancy and unique mask by default: we don't want to fingeprint users
  • any mask will leak eventually (even if user choices personal mask, there will be password leaks from websites), so we cannot calculate entropy by ****** mask, we need to calculate entropy for specific mask (which is smaller).
  • Password generator should be reversible, that way we can easily proof entropy/strength of password.


MIT (c) Paul Miller (https://paulmillr.com), see LICENSE file.