bls12-381-keygen copied to clipboard
BLS12-381 Key Generation compatible with EIP-2333.
The repository has been merged into micro-key-producer. Please head to the new repo for updates.
npm install micro-key-producer
Minimal BLS12-381 Key Generation compatible with EIP-2333.
Can be used to generate EIP-2334 keys for ETH beacon chain. Has only one dependency on @noble/hashes
for SHA256 and HKDF.
If you're looking for actual implementation of the bls12-381 elliptic curve, use module noble-curves. The bls12-381-keygen only generates private keys, by EIP-2333 specification.
Check out live demo in iancoleman's eip2333-tool
Node.js and browser:
npm install bls12-381-keygen
The API is the following:
function deriveMaster(seed: Uint8Array): Uint8Array;
function deriveChild(parentKey: Uint8Array, index: number): Uint8Array;
function deriveSeedTree(seed: Uint8Array, path: string): Uint8Array;
const EIP2334_KEY_TYPES: readonly ['withdrawal', 'signing'];
type EIP2334KeyType = (typeof EIP2334_KEY_TYPES)[number];
function deriveEIP2334Key(
seed: Uint8Array,
type: EIP2334KeyType,
index: number
): {
key: Uint8Array;
path: string;
Usage example:
import { deriveEIP2334Key, deriveSeedTree } from 'bls12-381-keygen';
const seed = new Uint8Array(32).fill(7); // must be random
deriveEIP2334Key(seed, 'withdrawal', 6);
// Those two are equal
const signKey1a = deriveEIP2334Key(seed, 'signing', 0);
const signKey1b = deriveSeedTree(seed, 'm/12381/3600/0/0/0');
// To generate mnemonics for EIP-2334 keystores
import { entropyToMnemonic, mnemonicToSeedSync } from '@scure/bip39';
import { wordlist } from '@scure/bip39/wordlists/english';
// bytes = some random sequence
const mnSeed = mnemonicToSeedSync(entropyToMnemonic(bytes, wordlist));
deriveEIP2334Key(mnSeed, 'signing', index);
// To generate BLS12-381 public key, use @noble crypto
import { getPublicKey } from '@noble/bls12-381';
MIT (c) Paul Miller (, see LICENSE file.