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Is the heat map currently updating or has it been sunset?
Hi Paul, Thank you so much for this tool and for your efforts within Strava to allow some great data available to improve OSM. It's always a fine line when opening access.
I was looking at a new bike path opened six weeks ago but no Strava data. Now obviously there is a delay to getting the data into heat maps but wondered if this was a now a snapshot?
The reason for this question is that DigitalGlobe have released two image sets for OSM editors which appear to be far superior than Bing in places and more up to date and I would like to look at adding both sets into your ID version as a starter. OSM: SID:
Hi @EwenH,
A couple things that may address you problems.
- the heatmap is not updated. It has data from the full year 2015 generated early Jan 2016. I left strava soon after and they have not updated the heatmap. At the time I thought it too much work to make it self updating, but now I wish I had....
- ID itself has had a bunch of improvements so it would be nice to update the strava ID, with it bringing the new digital globe imagery. That may or may not be a lot of work (1.x -> 2.x had a lot of changes), but adding the imagery layer is very simple.
I will contact some people at strava to see if we can make the ID upgrade happen.
Thanks @paulmach and sorry to see you leave Strava. This brought together two great data uses (the slide and being able to place forest roads fairly accurately). Thank you so much for making and sharing this tool
It would be wonderful to bring slide and auto update Strava into ID itself like Mapillary. I don't like the chances but that would be extremely cool to do but all the best with contacting Strava,
Hi @paulmach
I see that Strava have now updated the heatmap, but Slide is still showing the old version. Is there any chance that it could be swapped to the new version please? Upgrade to the new version of ID would also be really great, but the new heatmap would be even more useful to me.
I opened this issue back in Jun. Last I heard there were legal issues with allowing someone access..... At this point it'd probably be easier to fork the repo and make the changes vs trying to work with strava.
I also heard that the new heatmap code would support that same "raw data" endpoint that slide uses. But we'll see.
Hey Paul and others,
I just got slide working on labs (both tile map layer on frontend and "gometry" backend for slide using a clone of the raw data endpoint) ... I think. Let me know if it looks OK, as I'm not super familiar with slide.
I've also updated strava/iD imagery layers at the existing version. The tile display there certainly needs some more attention... I'm not sure what happened with ID upgrade, if you fork it and do the work I could always just merge it for you or whatever...
I haven't heard any objections for allowing continuing use of the new heatmap of OSM editing, so that part is just a matter of updating endpoints. I think we might at the most have a whitelist of allowed referrer headers so we don't allow arbitrary embedding. It should be easy to figure out what the new endpoints are (note that the default tile size is now 512).
Let me know if there is anything else I can do, happy to help.
@drewrobb I am successfully using the following endpoint template to display the new tiles using custom tile layer on Google Maps API:
getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {
var servers = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
var server = servers[Math.floor(servers.length * Math.random())]
var url = ['https://heatmap-external-', server, '',
zoom, '/', coord.x, '/', coord.y, '.png?v=19'].join('');
return url;
Of course other modes than "bike", and other colors than "bluered" can be used. This was taken from the source code of the new heatmap. I'm not aware if there is any restriction.
As an aside, here are some potentially relevant info from a technology point of view: