css3please copied to clipboard
rotate fails ie9.
from http://paulirish.com/2010/introducing-css3please/#comments ...
Rotate will NOT work cross browser, in IE9 both -ms-transform and filter will be used. Result will be that if you rotate 90 degrees, IE9 will actually rotate 180 degrees, because it just rotates twice!!
So, solution could be, leave out -ms-transform.. problem with this is: do context menu -> print preview, when you print the webpage it will NOT rotate!!
test page: http://jetibest.site90.com/stackoverflow_example.htm
I assume you don't support css hacks but maybe you could do:
:root .box_rotate { filter:none; }
according to this http://blog.vervestudios.co/blog/post/2011/05/13/IE9-Only-CSS-Hack.aspx.
Alternatively, use
.ie9 .box_rotate { filter:none; }
but that would require implementation of your conditional header. (paulirish.com/2008/conditional-stylesheets-vs-css-hacks-answer-neither/)
the :root
one is pretty nice. let's do that!