Paul Draper

Results 166 comments of Paul Draper

I see that now :( As is, the wsdl-to-ts cannot really be used with TS's strict nullable setting, as all elements become required.

(Thanks for the quick response, BTW! Great project.)

Comment from --- On void tags: I understand the desire for a more consistent syntax. Unfortunately HTML opted for its own bespoke SGML-ish syntax instead of XML. (I am...

Yes, "self-closing" elements technically are only foreign elements (i.e. elements in certain XML namespaces). Void elements (area, base, br, col, embed, hr, img, input, link, meta, param, source, track, wbr)...

> there are arguments in favor of self-closing regarding readability and compatibility with XML Compatibilty with an entirely different language is an argument!? In that case, consider that self-closing tags...

FWIW, I've been using this patch against jest 24.7.1, and I haven't noticed any issues. (I don't use watchman.)

AFAIK this has been experimental since Bazel 1.0. Is progress likely?

Is Alessandro's comment about remote caching on MacOS still relevant?

> Probably more too, I just haven't gotten to them yet. Update: I don't think it's possible to use a downloaded python interpreter. Or at least, you can use one,...

Thanks for the work on #807 ! I agree that is in the right direction. I suggest further: 1. Vendor requirements.bzl always. This will be compatible with bzlmod and will...