up icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
up copied to clipboard

Up makes it easier to start, build, and run Docker for local development


Up makes it easier to start, build, and run Docker for local development.

  • Much shorter commands. For example, up node test instead of docker-compose up run --rm web node test
  • Automatic image rebuilds. When files your image depends on are changed (package.json, Dockerfile, etc.), Up will rebuild the images before running commands. No more pulling from git and wondering why your project isn't working (oops, forgot to run docker-compose build).
  • Simple setup & installation.

Note that Up will not automatically rebuild containers that are running. You must stop them first. Then when you run any Up command it will rebuild the image.


On macOS:

brew tap paulcsmith/up
brew install docker-up

On Linux:

  1. Install Crystal
  2. Clone and build Up:
git clone https://github.com/paulcsmith/up.git
cd up
git checkout v0.1.7
shards install
crystal build src/run.cr -o up
cp up /usr/local/bin
echo "\nAll done! Run 'up install' in a project using Docker to get started."

Once it is installed, you can remove the leftovers: cd .. && rm -rf up

Basic usage

Before doing anything else, set up your project with Docker and Docker compose.

Once you've got your Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml set up:

  1. Run up install to create an up.yml settings file in your project directory.
  2. Check the up.yml settings. You'll probably want to add files that Up can track to rebuild images automatically if they change.

Now you're ready to get running with Up! Take a look at the commands below (or use up help).


  • up - starts your containers (e.g. docker-compose up). This will also build the container if not already built, and will rebuild automatically if tracked files change.
  • up -d - same as above but starts containers in the background.
  • up <any non-Up command> - if there is no matching Up command, Up will run the command in the main app container (which is configured in up.yml). For example, up bin/rake would run docker-compose run --rm app bin/rake.
  • up run <args> - run <args> using Docker compose. Similar to docker-compose run --rm <args>.
  • up stop - stop any running containers. Similar to docker-compose down.
  • up ssh <optional container name> - Run bash on the main container or <optional container name>.
  • up install - create an up.yml file. The up.yml file is where you can configure which files should trigger automatic rebuilds, what the main app container is, etc.
  • up compose <command> - runs the docker compose command. Takes into account the docker_compose_command defined in up.yml, which is handy if your default compose configuration is a little more custom. Example up compose logs

Configuring Up

Up can be configured using the up.yml file in your project. A default up.yml is generated for you when you run up install.


up <any command> will default to running in this container. Defaults to app

For example, up node test will run node index.js in the app container.


You can customize the docker compose command here. Defaults to docker-compose.

Here's an example of how would tell up to use a different docker-compose file:

docker_compose_command: docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml

Note: for most projects the default is fine.


Up automatically rebuilds images when you run a command and any of these files have changed.

More details below.

Automatic rebuilding

Up uses the files and paths in rebuild_when_changed in your up.yml to determine when it should rebuild the containers.

By default Up tracks the common docker files and directories, but you will likely want to watch other files your images depend on.

Below are some hints to get started.

Crystal & Lucky

  # Add these in your up.yml
  - shard.*
  - db/*
  - webpack.mix.js
  - package.json


  # Add these in your up.yml
  - yarn.lock
  - package.json
  - npm-shrinkwrap.json


  # Add these entries to up.yml
  - db/*
  - Gemfile
  - Gemfile.lock


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/paulcsmith/up/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
