Paul Rodolf Castor

Results 7 comments of Paul Rodolf Castor

Thank you very much for your response. I used the pySX127x library and the example for my RPi with sx1278 Ra-02 module and successfully received data from my arduino...

@thanapol199717 @atonughosh did you succeeded in making the library work for the RPi to send data and for arduino to receive the data?

@thanapol199717 thank you very much for your reply. I can now send data from RPi to Arduino and vice versa. This are the libraries I used to make it work....

@thanapol199717 may i know what specific module did you use on your arduino and RPi? I already got my sx1278 module working for both my Arduino and RPi to send...

@thanapol199717 I used the following: [](url) >> RPi server. Send data to arduino with sx1278 module and wait for a response from arduino at a certain time interval. **RadioHead\examples\rf95\rf95_server.pde** >>...

@thanapol199717 do you have any means online so i can contact you? i am willing to help you.

Okay sure, i am gonna send an email to help you. thanks.