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Overloaded method cannot be mocked if one of its parameters is a generic available to the trait.
reported by @trane in #39:
trait OverloadedMultiParams[A] {
def meth(i: Int, a: A): Int
def meth(): Int
val mockTrait = mock[OverloadedMultiParams[String]]
(mockTrait.meth(_: Int, _: String)).expects(1, "Hello").returns(1)
Information:(74, 20) Unable to resolve overloaded method meth
(mockTrait.meth(_: Int, _: String)).expects(1, "Hello").returns(1)
Using scalamock v4.1.0 with scalatestplus-play v3.1.2:
trait Foo[T] {
def create(bar: T)
def create(bar: Seq[T])
trait Bar extends Foo[User]
val userApi = mock[Bar]
(userApi.create(_: User)).expects(User("John"))
Getting compile error: value expects is not a member of ....
@pawel-wiejacha Interestingly, if I remove def create(bar: Seq[T])
from the Foo trait, it compiles.
Still struggling with it on ScalaMock 5.1.0, ScalaTest 3.2.7, and Scala 2.13.6.
Is there any known workaround for this problem? I try to stub the http4s Client trait without any success due to this issue.
What you can try is to not use a trait with a parameter. So instead of
trait Foo[T] {
def create(bar: T)
def create(bar: Seq[T])
trait IntFoo {
def create(bar: Int)
def create(bar: Seq[Int])
and then subsequently mock IntFoo
I've run into this problem while trying to mock org.http4s.Client[F[_]]
's expect
val clientMock = mock[Client[IO]]
val intentDecoder = IntentDecoder.impl(clientMock)
val requestBody = ARequest(a = "1234", b = "Hello")
val ApiKey = "REDACTED"
(clientMock.expect[AResponse](_: Request[IO])(_: EntityDecoder[IO, AResponse]))
headers = Headers(List(Header.Raw(ci"Authentication", ApiKey)))
).returning(AResponse("Some result").pure[IO])
This too results in:
Unable to resolve overloaded method expect
.expect[AResponse](_: Request[IO])(_: EntityDecoder[IO, AResponse]))
Still experiencing this issue when trying to mock
a RBucket[String]
(from redisson library) with scalamock version 5.2.0
, scala 2.13.10
and specs2-core
In my case the suggested above workaround didn't work, here is what I tried:
trait RBucketString extends RBucket[String]
val mockRBucket = mock[RBucketString]
(mockRBucket.setAsync(_: String)).expects(*).returns...
I get a compilation error:
value expects is not a member of String => org.redisson.api.RFuture[Void]
I'm encountering what I suspect is the same issue trying to mock StatsDClient
- Scala 2.13.10
- Scalatest 3.2.15
- Scalamock: 5.2.0
- java-dogstatsd-client: 4.2.0
I am trying to mock void incrementCounter(String aspect, String... tags);
datadogClient.incrementCounter(_: String, _: String)).expects(*).anyNumberOfTimes()
fails with value expects is not a member of (String, String) => Unit
Why do I think this might be the same issue? incrementCounter
is overloaded and there is also void incrementCounter(String aspect, double sampleRate, String... tags);
Works with scala 3